Would like to get this forums opinions on the optical filter sensor harness (aka noise suppression harness) found on the 1994-95 6.5s. Did a search but didn't find much. My '95 still has this harness installed but I was operating under the assumption that if if aint broke, don't fix it. It doesn't seem to be causing any problems, but the general consensus on some other forums is to take if off and ****-can it upon sight. AFAIK the 94-95 years were the only ones to have this installed. Some say the OBD-1 system needs it, but for different reasons......I have heard some say it was put on there to keep the OS from interfering with AM radio reception. Others say it was for keeping stray signals out of the OS for proper operation. I did find some info on the Oregon Fuel Injection site that said a bad OS harness could cause a stalling problem, or NOT having the harness installed could cause stalling. Seems to be a lot of BS out there regarding this filter harness and it's function.
Sooo.....should I take if off and trash it, or leave it alone? Any info would be appreciated.....