DIC vs. Actual mileage
I first noticed the difference between the DIC and my actual mileage in March '05 and have been tracking the difference since then. After throwing out some obvious outliers I ended up with 106 data points and using a least-squares/best fit methodology can pretty much estimate my actual mileage by the following formula:
Actual MPG = .86*DIC MPG + .74
R-squared (if you remember your statistics course) is .86 - not terrible given the wide range of conditions (towing vs. non-towing, hills vs. flats, changing altitudes, etc).
so, 20 MPG on the DIC would work out to about 17.9 on my slide rule (anyone else remember those?) with the actual data.
All the data is after the Banks system. No idea if the early data for the first year before the Banks was more reliable or not.
You can take the retiree away from cost analysis, but you can't take the cost analyst out of the retiree...:-)
2003 K3500 Crew Cab, Banks Stinger Pkg, Exhaust Brake & Exhaust, OilGuard Bypass filter, Lube Specialist Secondary Fuel Filter, Allison Deep Pan, TTT Mirrors, B&W Turnover Ball and Companion Hitch, Truck Trunk Sliding Box and V-Box, LINE-X, Co-Pilot Live GPS, Hitchhiker 31.5 LKTG 5th Wheel 28' Wells-Cargo Gooseneck Car Hauler