View Full Version : End of the 100k Warranty

04-20-2004, 12:34
I have 95,000 on the beast and will drive it from NJ to San Diego at the end of this month. It is starting to idle a little rough, the exhaust still smells like my cousins socks and an un-nearving knock when excellerating from a stop.

No dealer will just take it in to study it because I think it's sick... Does anyone have an idea? Anyone feel my pain?

I have the Amsoil dual oil thing, an added fule filter from Greg, I use Howels Diesel supplement and keep on top of all maintanence.


04-20-2004, 17:20
Talk to your dealer about changing the injectors. They will go bad. Also have them change the injector tubes or it will leak antifreze. I got my mileage back when they changed mine.

04-20-2004, 17:35
Tell me more about the injector tubes and the smell of anitfreze. I've smelt antifreze for a while. Had all 8 injectors replaced last August... about 30,000 miles ago.

Is "smelt" really a word?


Heartbeat Hauler
04-21-2004, 07:50
Originally posted by MaxACL:

Is "smelt" really a word?

Mike Yes, it's a small fish usually served during the holidays. :D

04-21-2004, 15:11
With my truck I was always blowing a little antifreze out the over flow. I could smell it, but it was so little under normal driving conditions I never noticed it. Recently we started a hauling company and under heavy loads it got much worse. My dealer has it right now and they assure me that this is the problem. The cab vent is on the passengers side firewall, somewhat behind the overflow tube adding to the smell.

04-21-2004, 15:31
Smelt is a refining process for metals where impurities separate out.

04-21-2004, 15:44
Bring it in - Complain about the rough idle & the Obnoxious odor. While you are there bring in copies of some of the Injector threads. A good service manager will understand & at least look into it.

If the rough idle is the Injectors, they will need to chenge em to fix the idle,,,

04-22-2004, 06:01
I am also interested in the issue of smelling anti-freeze. I get a little scent of anti-freeze every now and then. Is this somehow tied to injector tubes? I do monitor the anti-freeze level and it does not seem like it is loosing fluid. But if I am smelling A.F., I've got to believe it's coming from somewhere.