View Full Version : Juice Attitude Issues

Bill Harper
10-03-2003, 21:31
So I received my attitude controller and juice today, hooked it all up according to instructions and for some reason the EGTs are sky high, like 2100+ at an idle. I am not sure what is going on with this, if it is a hardware thing, or a software issue? Has any one run into this kind of problem with their gauges or attitude controller by chance. I also noticed that the engine temp differs with the insturment panel gauge by about 20-30 degrees. With the egts it is cutting back all power from the juice if I have the egt sensor hooked up, and with it disconnected it shows like 60 to 120 degrees and gives it all the power it wants. Also when sensor is hooked up it does not fluctuate much, maybe 40 degrees throughout the hole throtle. Any advice? Thanks ;)

10-04-2003, 03:49
Sounds like you've got a bad probe or a problem in the probe wiring for the EGT, Bill. The pyrometer works as a resistance circuit, the hotter the probe gets in the exhaust gases, the less resistance it produces on the sensing circuit. If you are reading 2100+, then the probe is bad or you have a crimp/short in the wire that is passing too much signal on the loop. I'd contact Edge for a new sensor probe and wiring first, and definitely not hook up your current one, because it's really giving the attitude some bad information.

Bill Harper
10-04-2003, 04:49
That is kind of what I thought, but did not know for sure and wanted to wee what others thought. Can I test the resistance with a multimeter and confirm? I am going to try and find a different pyro probe today to borrow, I am anxious to see if that is the problem. Besides that it is a nice unit. Tranny is still learning, good on level 1, but anything over that it is still shifting weird, must still be learning. Thanks for your advice Idle_Chatter. ;)

10-04-2003, 05:11
You should be able to take a reading on the pyro with an ohmeter, but it's not going to tell you much (other than a near dead-short or indicating a change if you wiggle the wire) without knowing the operating range of the probe or having a controlled temperature bath to put the probe into. They work across a pretty narrow range of calibrated resistance, best thing to do is contact Edge and get a new one asap.

Bill Harper
10-04-2003, 06:44
When I take the probe out of the manifold it is reading outside air. Touch it th=o the valve cover and it shows a little warmer, but ass soon as it touches the manifold it goes ballistic. Very weird. :confused:

10-04-2003, 18:56
You know, Bill, that sounds like a grounding/insulation problem. Didn't Kennedy just mention a grounding issue that needed to be resolved on the attitude pyro? :confused:

Bill Harper
10-05-2003, 16:12
Idle_Chatter, I know that JK had mentioned that he did not know if it was a grounded pyro or not, and that he was going to check into it, but I have not seen a reply on it yet. He is a busy guy. I intend on calling Edge tomorrow. I was thinking the samething about the gounded pyro, but don't know how one would ground it. I've read the directions a hundred times.... and have done everything accordingly. Seems weird that no one else has had this problem though. Oh well. Thanks for the replies though Idle_Chatter.


10-05-2003, 16:30
Is the probe two wire or one wire?

I did some checking a while back with a V.O.M., and my two wire Autometer K-type probe is open to the outer casing of the probe. The only continuity is between the two wires themselves. IIRC, the resistance between the two wires was something like 3.2 Ohms @ 75 degrees. As heat from a Bic lighter was applied, resistance went to "0" Ohms.

I've seen single wire probes on plastic and rubber injection molding machines, and if that's what Edge is using, a ground issue could certainly cause a high gauge reading.

10-05-2003, 16:54

Sounds like your Auto Meter uses an ungrounded probe. This would explain why some see low EGT's, as an ungrounded probe has the junction recessed internally.

While the SPA uses an ungrounded probe, I have been using 1/16" diameter probes for super fast response.

I forget the EGT number SDaver said he had with the QZ215, but mine will peg 1780

Bill Harper
10-05-2003, 17:36
Edge's pyro uses two wires. I am confused as to what could be wrong with it. It will read temp when not in manifold, but as soon as it touches the manifold it goes ballistic. I have not tried to heat it up out of the manifold to see if it will gradually read higher temps. or not. And yes I did hook up the yellow wire to the yellow and the red to the red. Just bugs me that it is not working and it is new, but maybe it is defective.

10-05-2003, 18:58
One of the two wires is shorted to the probe case. There should be no continuity shell to wires.
The probe is bad.

10-05-2003, 19:05
Originally posted by Inspector:
One of the two wires is shorted to the probe case. There should be no continuity shell to wires.
The probe is bad.
Denny Both the Isspro probe, and the Edge probe "beeped" when tested from leads to probe body...

10-05-2003, 19:12
my autometer only reads 1600......comp boxes go off the scale.......the quad just seemed to go off slower than the tst or the edge.........Hence cooler?........maybe not :D

bill you might try tapeing up the terminals until you get them hooked up......they might be grounding under the hood

10-05-2003, 21:15
The Spa probe is a "K" type. Is there a chance that the issy and the edge are not?

Bill Harper
10-06-2003, 06:13
just talked to Matt at Edge Products, and he said it sounds like a faulty probe. He is looking into it and is supposed to call me back in a little while and let me know. Very helpful guy. I will keep everyone updated as soon as I hear back from him. :cool:


Bill Harper
10-07-2003, 17:23
Well Matt at Edge Products is out for the week so I talked to Eric, and he said that it sounded as the sensor is bad, so he is sending me a new one. I have to send in the old one once I get the new one. I hope that this is the problem. tongue.gif

Bill Harper
10-14-2003, 07:03
Received the new pyro sensor today and that was not the problem, they now think that it is the juice box, and are sending me a new one. Hope that is the problem. smile.gif

10-18-2003, 12:48
On my way to SoCal about Mills Ut. I got a check engine light and would not reset. I disconnected the batterys and the light went away. It was ok for until the next morning when we restarted after a cool down and it came back. I called Aaron at Edge and he had me disconnect again and this time the attitude controller also. The light went away and hasn't returned. Works good.
The only other issue is every once in awhile the truck won't start unless I pump the primmer. Other than that it runs very well.

10-21-2003, 19:51
We are now home. Since my last post we have had the SES light on about 5 more times. Doing as Aaron said seems to do the trick. It seems to be related to heat. I got the light back this afternoon and it was on all the rest of the trip. Tonight after sitting for about three hours I started up and drove off and the light went away after a couple blocks. Its nuts as it isn't predictable.
Going to see Aaron tomorrow.

10-22-2003, 18:24
Got over to Edge today and saw Aaron. He put the tech II on and had a look for codes. There were three. He also found a wire in the harness to the attitude at the green plug that had been nicked in assembly. It was next to the the uninsulated ground wire in the harness. He repaired the wire and cleared the codes and now I'm doing a road test to see if the SES light comes back on.
I want you guys to know that the after sales service from these guys is absolutly the best. They want anybody who buys their products to be completely satisfied or they will do whatever it takes to get you satisfied. They really know what they are doing. We will see what happens.
Reminds me of JK. :cool: