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red sled
10-02-2003, 17:52
Hey guys I got a new problem I have not seen posted here. I just changed the fuel filter and now I can't seem to get the air purged out of the system. I might want to add, this is not my first filter change, I have been successful many times before. When I open the vent and pump I can get fuel to kind of dribble out. It is my guess that something is wrong with the pump, when I close the valve after getting fuel, the pump is still easy to depress again, making me think I still have massive amounts of air in the system. I'm open for any Ideas!!!

[ 10-02-2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: red sled ]

10-02-2003, 19:28
red sled,

It sounds as if you may be losing prime... I would remove the fuel filter and check that the O-ring is seated properly.