View Full Version : A couple of questions for all of you Dmax mechanical experts. PLEASE HELP!!!

04-12-2004, 13:52
I have a 2002 Dmax with 33,000 miles on it (first diesel and I am learning a lot) and I love this truck. It is in the shop for excessive (like a chimney) smoking (blue) on start up for the third (3rd) time in two (2) months. The first time they changed #2, #4 and # 8 injectors. The second time they changed #1, #3, #5, #6 and #7 injectors. All of them are supposedly the

04-12-2004, 14:46
I would be mad also. Heli coils are a pretty common repair for aluminum. But if they broke it, they should replace it. Good luck.

More Power
04-12-2004, 14:49
We've discussed the 6.2/6.5 for years now, and what to do if a glow plug loses a tip inside the cyl head. From experience, we know that the loose tip must be extracted, or there is a good chance the tip could damage the piston, a valve or even the cylinder head (which are cast iron). Most loose tips can be extracted though the injector hole, but we recommend removing the cylinder head if it can't be extracted that way.

In a Duramax, with its alum heads, I'd want to know for certain that the loose tip or any metal particles were extracted before running the engine. Even if this means removing the head.

Heli-coils in aluminum are fine if done correctly. "If" being the operative word.


04-12-2004, 18:38
Agree with MP. "IF" is the key word. Ask them to inspect the work done or during the repair. If they are leary, then you should be too. If they arent, then likely its a smooth repair. The reason he is pulling glow plugs is to check for injector leakage, he is going to disable the fuel system electrical and crank the engine, watching for fuel coming out the glow plug hole, which would indicate a leak at the nozzle.

04-13-2004, 08:54
The Tech showed me both pieces of the glow plug and stated he was able to get all of the metal chips out before he removed the lower piece (tip) of the glow plug. My concern now is if he has to drill again for the Heli-Coil while the head is still on what happens to those chips? Also what happens with the tang from the Heli-Coil? Thanks for all of the input.