View Full Version : On my bi-monthly trip to the dealer...

10-02-2003, 10:44
It's getting frustrating more and more. But, with only 135,000 on it, gotta keep being nice at the dealer and just eating my normal $310/ month average in the last year for parts and labor.

Dont know if this has happened to anybody yet, but my glow plug relay went out last week. Stayed in the open position, and fried my Optima Battery. Could even get 2 pair of cables to turn it over. So, I got (another) tow to a dealer (about 300 miles form home), and $254 later, I had the relay disconnected so it would drain another battery and a new AC Dudco battery put in.

But hey, at least they washed it!! :cool:

10-02-2003, 13:08
Makes you wonder uh.......so much for Professional Grade.

10-03-2003, 06:34

Mabye a move closer to the dealer would help reduce the costs? :rolleyes:
