View Full Version : Whistle

09-21-2005, 17:42
OK, I had a 2002 Dmax with the LB7. Now have a 2006 with the Dmax. This new truck has a whine or whistle when driving. Low speed, medium speed. Dont notice it at higher speeds. Is this the turbo or the tranny? I am thinking it is the turbo. Has there been a change in the turbo? Sounds kinda cool, but was just surprised to hear it. If turbo has changed, what did they do to make it different? Thanks to all.

09-22-2005, 03:55
Mine makes the same sound. It's the turbo and I'm wondering if it's easier to hear since the engine is quieter. I don't know, but it doesn't bother me. I guess if I stop hearing it I should worry. :confused:

09-22-2005, 19:13
After driving many larger (much larger) diesel vehicles of many different types for too many years I can tell you that that turbo whine is a comforting sound. When you are hooked onto a 12k load and pulling a hill 75 MPH you couldn't touch with your old 400 Cummins (with a 55k load) at 65 MPH.... that whine is a beautiful thing.

10-06-2005, 04:40
Yes there was a turbo change from 02 to 06 and the whine is more pronounced. Do a search on this site there is a piece on the new turbo...