View Full Version : Duramax Cutting Out/Missing

04-07-2004, 07:27
My engine is cutting our when I make slow right hand turns. Someone commented on this months ago but I can't find anything on it. I am running the 90hp juice. Any help would be appreciated.

04-07-2004, 07:51
Have you changed the fuel filter?

More Power
04-12-2004, 12:28
Always remove any performance product to verify whether it might be related to the current problem.

I'd also spend some time looking under the hood at all of the engine wiring harnesses and electrical connectors to check for loose connectors, chafed wiring, etc. If it's a bad electrical connection, a gentle tug on the wiring and connectors could help you locate the trouble area. Pins in connectors have been known to back out slightly (perhaps where the Edge Juice plugs into the engine harness?).

Keep us posted.


04-12-2004, 21:07

In addition to the above suggestions, one place to check is the wire harness near the power steering reservoir. On some '01 trucks, one of the hose clamps was installed in such a way that it could scrap the split loom and wires in a nearby wiring harness. I seem to recall some bizarre symptoms when this happened, but don't remember the details. I repositioned this hose clamp on my truck since it was starting to dig in to the split loom and would have been a potential future problem.

04-14-2004, 12:22
My 03 has this same problem, I happened to notice it the other day. I will be fixing it tonight, but it has already ate through the plastic loom. I hope I have no wires ate up.

04-14-2004, 15:53
Did you happen to have the cruise control on at the time?
See link below, which may be related.

Never heard if this helped. Just an idea. Hope you find the problem.