View Full Version : Stuttering and grey smoke

Jon E
12-08-2003, 15:25
I need some help, my truck is a newly rebuilt 6.5TD. Along with the newer engine I have new glowplugs, glow plug controller, new injectors, new injection pump, timing chain, pretty near everything in and on the engine. Now the problem I'm having is getting worse as the outside temp gets colder. I've had the truck looked at about 10 times in the last 4 months about the same problem and each time the mechanic can't fix the problem. The truck stutters from an idle it's like all the cylinders aren't working, then when you push the accelerator to the floor it seems to catch and blow out a greyish smoke. I would like to hear if anyone can help me with diagnosing this so I can solve the problem once and for all.



12-08-2003, 15:43
Does it only happen when cold, or is it at all times?

12-08-2003, 16:27
And is the greyish smoke more white or black? White smoke usually indicates unburnt fuel; black = insufficient air or bad timing. Timing might be suspect if this started immediatley on receipt of your rebuild.

You can check out the Troubleshooting Guide and Stalling articles in the Reference Section at the bottom of the Members Area link @ above, right. The Guide has an article each on black & white smoke.

Jon E
12-08-2003, 16:57
The problem happens all the time, and it actually started before the rebuild. The problem was the reason I rebuilt the engine the first mechanic informed me that I had two cylinders with low compression and that was the prob. but with the rebuild and new parts the problem still exists. I also replace the barometric sensor a few days ago and that seemed to make it worse.

Jon E
12-08-2003, 16:59
And it is more of a whitish smoke. But I've seen the white before, and this is grey.

12-09-2003, 05:44
Check lift pump operation. Then make sure fuel filter is installed correctly. Air in the fuel system will do this.

12-10-2003, 21:16
While I see you have EFI, your symptoms seem to be timing related. I see this with MFI pumps off timing.
Good luck.
