View Full Version : "krunk"

David Proske
07-03-2003, 16:29
Today some gold toothed rap playing punk darn near took my front bumper off while making a pass in some rice racer.I pulled out to pass him and he takes off. I out accelerate him and complete my pass. At the red light he pulls around and hollers at me that I'm "krunk". What the hell does that mean???

07-03-2003, 16:55
Beats me, I avoid driving in Houston, it's hazardous to your health.

07-03-2003, 17:10
Webster's Collegiate edition states:

krunk col. [ lang. Am. pinhead]
A profuse demand to be beaten to a pulp.

DMAX Daddy
07-04-2003, 09:34
Its funny, being an elder military member now you get to see all the little idiots that get into fights every week. Usually in the heat of battle they get flabbbergasted and start calling people anything that comes to mind, even if it doesnt make sense.

I heard someone called a pigtit a week or so ago. :confused:

Id say your little gold toothed buddy was so confused/in denial/embarrased it was one of those times he tried to be cool and call you something but something unintelligble came out.

07-04-2003, 12:04
Krunk has come to mean a "positive" kudo in this day and age. In other words, he was complimenting your truck.


07-04-2003, 18:29
pig latin, take the last letter and put it in front of the word, in other words you best run like h*ll the next time your paths cross!!! that is if you have the correct spelling.

good luck

07-06-2003, 23:28
Originally posted by DmaxMaverick:
Webster's Collegiate edition states:

krunk col. [ lang. Am. pinhead]
A profuse demand to be beaten to a pulp. Heheh, although in this instance the guy he blew away could have meant he was going to beat him to a pulp (lol!), it's actually spelled Crunk, and the English slang dictionnary states:

1. Excellent, cool
2. Crazy : "She's a crunk-ass bitch"

(pardon the language but that's what it says)

Check out this site, LOL:

