View Full Version : Juice + H2O = No Problems!

03-17-2003, 14:28
I was very apprehensive about getting the Juice after reading horror stories about a few people having bad problems running in the rain, but I am glad to report that I have been running it for a week now and it has done nothing but rain this entire week, and I have not had the first problem. I have already put about 1,500 miles on the truck since the install and we have been flooded (literally) for the entire time and I would think that if I was going to have problems they would have popped up by now.

Thanks Edge, for a great product!


03-17-2003, 17:27
It's not that there's an electrical problem in the rain. It's the problem of the front end swapping ends with the rear end if you don't ease down on the go pedal on wet roads!!! That thang's a monster on da Juice.
Herb :D :D :D

03-17-2003, 19:18
I've had the juice for over 36000 miles and been thru carwashes, rainstorms, humidity, snow, ice, roadspray, and what ever water based weather you can think of and have not had a problem with the juice and water.

03-17-2003, 23:11
I have problems in the rain (SOUNDS LIKE A POWER STROKE). Not always but most of the time. That I could almost live with (probably because in Eastern Idaho it seldom rains). However, I also have developed a stumbling effect on take off every once in a while (that I couldn't live with). I took in and found no thrown codes. I unhooked the Juice and it hasn't happen since. I am guessing I have a malfunctioning box. What has amazed me is how doggy the truck feels with out the Juice especially when towing. I am surpised how having all that power with the box has raised my "standards" of what power is. When I first hooked the pickup to a trailer when it was new I couldn't believe how much power it had. Now I unhook the Juice and can't believe how much power it DOESN'T have. :eek:

03-19-2003, 12:52
I have a problem in the rain. I beleive it is related to the intermediate wipers. The truck will completely shut down for a split second, smoke and then start back up. The doors re-lock as though I unlocked them - very weird. It has done this four times all in the rain but the engine is completely dry so Edge things it's the wipers. I will be sending it in if I get the chance and decide to go nude for a week ot two.

03-19-2003, 15:56
BassinRVer, your lucky yours comes back, mine used to but I think it's getting worse. The last two times its done this I have to quickly get my *** over on the shoulder so I don't get run over on the freeway and take the juice right off. It's the oddest thing, today it was barely even sprinkling, the road wasn't even went, and it just died. I tried driving around for a little bit the other day when it was nice with the intermitents on, but nothing happened.

I know what you mean about going nude! I feel impotent with a big 5" exhaust sticking out but no power to back it up with! :eek: :D :mad:

03-19-2003, 17:27
Branderberg+Rv'er. I have been working with Juice trying out a bunch of different boxes. I couldnt duplicate the rain problem with a NON timing box. I drove for 1 hr with the non timed box and it worked flawlessly. I put in 4.61 and it messed up within 5 minutes. Please call Edge and speak with Bryce, he will send you a non-timed box to try this out. It has to do with timing (obviously) I am in contact with them every time it rains to let them know the prognosis with each box they send.....Im on my third box right now....of course I am renting out my 4.61 to my brother :D Like I said call up Edge....everyone that has a problem in the rain....they will love to try this out with more trucks then just my own. Sorry I took so long to let you all know.....my computer got me mad one day so I bought one and had to wait a week for it to come in but GD this 17" monitor is blinding the heck out of me....Its also nice to have a keyboard with every letter of the alphabet and space bar that works. Any questions feel free to contact me Gmanjr96@aol.com

03-20-2003, 07:11
thechevyhdman, seems like Edge is making progress. Turns out it was good for me to have passed on Edge wanting me to try the non-timing box, as I have not been able to get my box to act up any more; seems like maybe Houstone is going back to a more normal weather pattern of not raining every other day. This is a good thing for me I think, if the non-acting up really is permanent.

Any word from Edge on a permanent solution, which would allow for the timing improvements to be reintroduced? I would want those 15 horsepower back.

03-20-2003, 07:19
Their still working on it....Right now they are just making sure that the problems I have encountered are not from the box I had.(since Oct) They sent it back to me and reflashed it with 4.35 non timing. They do not have a permanent fix as of yet, They are just starting to deduct possibilities now. I will say that they are more than happy about having people help them out(ie. trying different boxes etc) Im just hoping I dont wear out my ECM and TCM connectors.....I have an idea that if that happens to anyone it will be JK. They told me its a 5hp difference bewteen timed and non timed but between you and me I can feel a huge difference between 4.35 and 4.61......They said with all the help Im giving them they'll need to repay me some how....Humm In-cab controller, Hot Juice,...and maybe a new Juice hat to replace my crusty one might help LOL J/K Bill One hand washes the other

wild bore
03-20-2003, 16:02
It has been raining here all day,on the way home this evening everything was fine,I get almost home and the truck dies out for a second, then picks right back up.

First time it has ever done that, when it happened I looked right at the fuel gauge,because it felt just like it would if it was running out of fuel.

It didn`t happen again, so I`m not sure what it was. Oh, I have juice, about 3 months now.

04-04-2003, 16:28
Mine is fixed, I got a new 4.61 this week and it runs just fine in all weather conditions. Must have been a hardware problem with the one I had. It was definately related to the wipers though, several times I got it to act up on a sunny day with the wipers on. :eek: So if anyone is still having this problem, my suggestion is to try another box. tongue.gif :cool:

04-04-2003, 16:36
I have about 5,000 miles on my Juice. The day that I installed the box it was raining and there was no problem. Since I've had it I've driven both unloaded and loaded and in both city and highway with it in level 2 in the rain and I haven't had a day's problem with it. :confused:

Reb [><]