View Full Version : Common rail fuel sensor....out to lunch

03-17-2003, 08:59

The other day I was on my way into work travelling at around 120km/hr (roughly 60mph) and all of a sudden, a puff of blue smoke and I lost power. I let momentum carry me to the shoulder and what I realized was my truck had stalled. I start it back up after turning over for about 15 seconds. I put it in drive and it stalls again. I let it sit for about 5 mins and then she starts right up after turning over a few times. I travel 5 feet and "nothing". So I got it towed into the nearest dealer.
What they found was an error message to do with the fuel rail sensor. It was replaced and everything is fine now.
Just thought I would pass it on in case this happens to someone else.


[ 03-17-2003: Message edited by: Milkman ]

[ 03-17-2003: Message edited by: Milkman ]</p>

03-17-2003, 09:48
The thing they cannot tell you here is HOW the pressure sensor is failed. Is there NO pressure, or too much? Chances are, it is a fuel delivery issue, and there is no pressure.

Could be as simple as a plugged filter and/or air locked system...

03-17-2003, 21:57
Yeah John. Good point. I was wondering why they did not tell me that. I was kind of hoping the mechanics on this site may have a better idea. Oh well... It's fixed now and everything is fine. My only hang-up is spending over 50 thousand Canadian on a truck that left me on the roadside. On the bright side, I had just washed it and boy did it look good sittin' there!

:cool: :cool:

03-18-2003, 19:22
Milkman, look at your paper work from the dealer and see if they mention the code and/or parts replaced. Did they just replace the fuel pressure sensor? or was ther issues with the pump?
if they dont say on the paperwork, email me your vin and I will run a history report and see what they did using the warrenty codes. Curious as to what they found myself. Always looking to learn more....

03-19-2003, 03:29
dmaxalliTech....what's your e-mail address? I had this same problem three weeks ago. My paperwork doesn't mention part replaced.

03-19-2003, 06:35

Send me an email at


I will email you back my vin



03-19-2003, 19:29

03-19-2003, 20:32
testing profile, ignore post