View Full Version : Who believes Hoot exists?????

06-25-2003, 09:48
I've never seen him. Never spoken to him in person.

I find it hard to believe that one man can be so critical, perfect and stubborn all at the same time. I think he's a ringer. Planted in here to raise eyebrows and raise post counts on otherwise mundane, straightforward threads.

Notice he never mentions any hobbies besides his truck? His truck doesn't seem to suffer from any problems. He's been caught and thrown off the Ford site about 500 times. And those guys LOVE argumentive people. He's just a little too vague, too bland, like the background of people the FBI has undercover or in the witness protection program.

Maybe Hoot is a Jr G-man, or an ex-mafia kingpin in witness protection. That would certainly explain how he finds time to post so much... ;) Maybe he's from another planet, amusing himself with the relatively trivial issues that us carbon based lifeforms occupy ourselves with. I can see it now... he reports to his superiors on planet X about what he has discovered on this planet and the most important thing he has to report is how to properly filter diesel fuel without getting air in the system, Duramax performance and does Brokers trucks really exist??! :eek: LOL

What do you guys think? Any theories on who Hoot really is?

Regards, Steve

06-25-2003, 10:13
You notice you never see Hoot and Richard Cheney in the same place at the same time... hmmm

and why does his profile list his address as "an Undisclosed Secure Location"? :confused:

06-25-2003, 10:17
I wouldn't mention home improvement and gardening either. tongue.gif :D

06-25-2003, 10:30
SocalDMAX, I've seen him & he is a real person!! The only problem he has is the ability to back up that beautiful truck of his. How's the door,MIKE? I've even rode in it & it does MOVE. HI Mike!! tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif

DMAX Daddy
06-25-2003, 10:49
please just no Speedo pictures!

06-25-2003, 11:03
YEOWW! After that boat ride, their Speedos will be hangin down around the ankles! tongue.gif

06-25-2003, 11:17

I made no personal stabs at Broker... only questioned his trucks.

As far as the fuel filter thing goes.. I would expect you to stand by the Mega... you got one? :eek:

I may be critical and stubborn but very far from perfect.

Hobbies.... who cares. I've owned probably 40+ vehicles in my life and love talking about this crap. I don't see anything listed in your hobbies.

So what if somebody questions what gets posted or the integrity or quality of a product. That's normal is it not? Thank More Power for allowing it to continue.

Howard.... you are a living testament to my existance. But then who was questioning anyones existance? The truck has been fixed, (2) door skins.

I had very few problems so far, knock on wood, but remember, I only run propane and do it responsibly, if that's possible.

Flame on. Suits buttoned up.

06-25-2003, 11:26
I know I always enjoy my hour on the internet before the attendants givbe us our medicine and make us go to bed. :D

06-25-2003, 11:27
I dont know about this hoot fellow either, he told me I was a Barbie doll Ebayer!! :D :D

06-25-2003, 11:29
Originally posted by dmaxalliTech:
I dont know about this hoot fellow either, he told me I was a Barbie doll Ebayer!! :D :D You are :D :D

[ 06-25-2003, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: hoot ]

06-25-2003, 11:33
Unless a ghost can drive a white GMC duramax into a tree with the greatest of ease he is very real smile.gif

06-25-2003, 11:53
I noticed neither Hoot nor anyone else has disputed the alien theory... very interesting... ;)

Regards, Steve

06-25-2003, 12:04

You crack me up :D

06-25-2003, 13:49
Then again, its possible some people are just suffering irritable bowel syndrome caused by their Racors passing gas....

06-25-2003, 13:54
hoot(right) and kennedy (left) in their earlier days http://pic4.picturetrail.com/VOL59/718709/1218122/28120265.jpg :D :D dave

06-25-2003, 14:03

More Power
06-25-2003, 14:13

06-25-2003, 14:14
Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes :D

06-25-2003, 14:17
PICTURE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!


06-26-2003, 08:59

I always thought you were bigger than that!! Good thing your bike has hand controls!!!


Bob :cool: :cool:

Turbo Al
06-26-2003, 14:04
LMAO -- Thanks for the chuckle of the day guys.

06-26-2003, 19:58
Who really gives a hoot anyway?????????? :D


06-27-2003, 00:55
Originally posted by More Power:
http://www.thedieselpage.com/images/ren2001-34.jpg Caption contest time.... :D

06-27-2003, 05:56
Does anybody here have Brokers email address? Broker said he got tons of emails about the Juice detector.... hate mail. Anybody know how to send Broker nice mail? I didn't think so.

I'm not asking you to give it to me. We know More Power has it cause it's the only way to register.

Has any one ever had contact with him in any way shape or form?

More Power....

Without getting into anything personal about him, can you verify anything about him?
What with all these big Dmax mileage claims, I figure you guys would be talking to the fellow on a personal level....

How bout you J/K? Ever talk to the guy?

Anybody else?


How about you SoMnDmax, ever talk to him?

Wanna go on a boat ride?

BTW: Anybody posting my personal picture should be willing to post their own. Don't you think?

Caption Contest Time...... ;)

06-27-2003, 06:05
power rangers drive duramaxs(sf right?)

ok you asked http://pic4.picturetrail.com/VOL59/718709/1218122/26339876.jpg

[ 06-27-2003, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: sdaver ]

06-27-2003, 06:20
Originally posted by sdaver:
power rangers drive duramaxs White nuckle ricer beat'er upper ,Power Ranger,Red ....

Hoot lives ....

Broker ...??

Mac :D :D :D

06-27-2003, 08:37
Originally posted by hoot:

How about you SoMnDmax, ever talk to him?


06-27-2003, 08:46
Originally posted by SoMnDMAX:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hoot:

How about you SoMnDmax, ever talk to him?

Nope... </font>[/QUOTE]If I'm not mistaken,
Didn't you send me TranSynd stickers way back when?

I got them.....

What does that prove?
You and I exist. We trust each other's claims. We show our stuff when asked.

There are many on here with companies that show their website addresses. Some even get hammered for posting them without being advertisers.

Why would someone be soooo secretive about themselves?

I've laid it out and said "go ahead, make a fool out of me Broker"

Has that happened yet? Maybe he's a real Gentleman and can't do it? I would respect that.

He can post till his fingers turn blue. Not gonna help.

Seems you want to make a fool out of me. Prove Broker first, them come to the plate.

Until then, is everybody satisfied?

Who gives a hoot? :D

[ 06-27-2003, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: hoot ]

06-27-2003, 11:15
If I'm not mistaken,
Didn't you send me TranSynd stickers way back when?

That wasn't me, Mike.

You and I exist. We trust each other's claims. We show our stuff when asked.

Amen to that!!

Seems you want to make a fool out of me. Prove Broker first, them come to the plate.

Is this aimed towards me? I'm not out to make a fool out of anyone. You do a good enough job of that yourself. tongue.gif I have no intentions of making a fool out of anyone.

As for Broker, I will not comment. Not knowing the guy, I cannot rightfully question his posts. Some may seem a bit far fetched, but certainly possible.

[ 06-27-2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: SoMnDMAX ]

06-27-2003, 11:27
Originally posted by SoMnDMAX:
I have no intentions of making a fool out of anyone.
Maybe you might want to re-read your opening post.

More Power
06-27-2003, 12:43
I agree with Hoot.... (first time)

Everyone should post a pic of themselves....

Here's mine....



[ 06-27-2003, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: More Power ]

06-27-2003, 14:11
morepower and tough guy spotted :D :D http://pic4.picturetrail.com/VOL59/718709/1218122/28258768.jpg

06-27-2003, 15:33
More Power,

Is that Dmax-man driving?

More Power
06-27-2003, 16:27
Nope, that was Ged Dougherty behind the wheel. I think CJ was having a beverage when this pic was snapped.


06-30-2003, 14:01

That is a REALLY BIG trailer!
Hoot ---- How BIG is yours? ;) tongue.gif :rolleyes:
What about my question on the hand controls on your bike? Ignoring me again are thee???


06-30-2003, 19:38
It's not like I never towed before....

Originally posted by son of a gun:

I always thought you were bigger than that!! Good thing your bike has hand controls!!!


Bob :cool: :cool: What question?

07-02-2003, 13:25
I am the only real person here. This is just one big conspiracy, and I am the subject of a big joke. You should be ashamed of yourselves (if there is really more than one of you)!

OK. I'll play along. This is not my best side.

Y'all should really appreciate that I post at all. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to type while wearing my I love me sport coat?

Gotta go. Time for meds again.

07-02-2003, 15:33
Here's my picture http://www.gumbyworld.com/memorylane/histgum.gif ;) tongue.gif :D

07-02-2003, 19:34
Hoot lives ..... He sent me Allison decals ..... ;)

My pic ..... http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:hvmE9XQd54MC:www.brianbolland.com/images/b

Mac :D :D :D

07-04-2003, 17:36
Hoot's caption:

"Damn I love the Smell of Propane in the Mornings!"

Or darn hardboiled eggs make me fart!

07-14-2003, 07:25
"Who believes Hoot exists?????"

Had a fellow walk up to me and my buddy this weekend at a campsite. My truck was parked next to my buddy's PSD Excursion.

The fellow had two little ones in his arms and asked...

"Are you the Duramax guy?"

My buddy Rob said my head doubled in size. :eek: if you can imagine that.

The fellow said he saw my posts on this page and recognized the DURAMAX plate. He was considering a Dmax. Asked a few questions and went on his way.

So we have "hoot" sightings...

Any Broker sightings?

07-14-2003, 07:47
So Hoot,

So YOU want US to take YOUR word that SOMEONE saw YOU? :rolleyes:

Why didn't Broker think of that? He could have settled this mess weeks ago! :D

07-14-2003, 07:50
Originally posted by Professor:
So Hoot,

So YOU want US to take YOUR word that SOMEONE saw YOU? :rolleyes:
No, you don't have to take my word for it...

Ask MP or his sidekick Hot-Tub Chris. ;)

07-14-2003, 19:23
broker sighting......this could be james at rwtd with him they both seem to be awol http://pic4.picturetrail.com/VOL59/718709/1218122/29489145.jpg .........hoot I know and belive you exist but theres a guy dmaxer on another site pretending to be you :D

07-14-2003, 19:53
I have seen hoot.
Then again I married the easter bunny, and my father in law is Santa. ;)

Tough Guy
07-14-2003, 20:10
Hot Tub Chris has seen the infamous Hoot...

But that was back in 2001...maybe he has been abducted by aliens since then and replaced with an imposter?


07-29-2003, 05:45
Originally posted by SoCalDMAX:
I've never seen him. Never spoken to him in person.

I find it hard to believe that one man can be so critical, perfect and stubborn all at the same time. I think he's a ringer. Planted in here to raise eyebrows and raise post counts on otherwise mundane, straightforward threads.

Notice he never mentions any hobbies besides his truck? His truck doesn't seem to suffer from any problems. He's been caught and thrown off the Ford site about 500 times. And those guys LOVE argumentive people. He's just a little too vague, too bland, like the background of people the FBI has undercover or in the witness protection program.

Maybe Hoot is a Jr G-man, or an ex-mafia kingpin in witness protection. That would certainly explain how he finds time to post so much... ;) Maybe he's from another planet, amusing himself with the relatively trivial issues that us carbon based lifeforms occupy ourselves with. I can see it now... he reports to his superiors on planet X about what he has discovered on this planet and the most important thing he has to report is how to properly filter diesel fuel without getting air in the system, Duramax performance and does Brokers trucks really exist??! :eek: LOL

What do you guys think? Any theories on who Hoot really is?

Regards, Steve I'm the guy that is concerned about keeping my truck past 100,000 miles.

Care to comment Steve?

Some guys on here regularly do well over 400,000 with no injector problems.

[ 07-29-2003, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: hoot ]

07-29-2003, 08:43
at the rate im going, that will be next april so yes im right there with you :D dave

07-29-2003, 10:20
I'm the guy that is concerned about keeping my truck past 100,000 miles.

Care to comment Steve? Huh? In several posts, you've already told everyone that you're going to "dump" it at 100,000 mi, fearing a drop in resale value due to injector issues. Are you sure you aren't hanging out with Brokers too much? tongue.gif The story is starting to get a little fishy... ;)

I'm hoping to keep my truck for 400,000 mi, mainly because I don't foresee ever being able to afford another one!

Regards, Steve

07-29-2003, 12:21
Are we talking about HODGE?

Sorry Hoot

07-29-2003, 12:57
Originally posted by son of a gun:
Are we talking about HODGE?

Sorry Hoot
Bob I got a ways to go before I make any brand decisions. If I had to decide right now I'd wait and get the 04 GMC.