View Full Version : STARTING PROBLEM

06-02-2002, 21:23
My 2001 chevy/duramax has 16,000 miles and has always started fine. Even though I sometimes forget to wait for the light to go off, until today. I was on the coast (Fort Bragg. calif.) 50 degrees and it would not start. I again forgot to wait for the light. I tried about 10 times , then waited about 15 minutes and it has started fine since then?? Am I going to have trouble or what? Thanks in advance

06-02-2002, 23:56

Sounds like you got some air into the fuel line. The next time (if) it happens, give the primer pump a few strokes and see if starts right up. Could be as simple as a loose fuel filter.

Another possibility a plugged up fuel filter. With 16K on your truck, you should have replaced the filter already. If not, then it's time. The recommended change interval is 15K. If the filter is new, still, it is common to get a bad tank of fuel that will clog it in no time. The fuel system is vacuum between the inj. pump and the tank. The lift pump is built into the inj. pump. A clogged filter will very likely cause a very slow, or no, starting situation. I change my fuel filter every 10K, whether it needs it or not. I can buy hundreds of filters for the price of just one fuel pump.

Good luck.

06-03-2002, 18:17
Thanks for the info. Dmaxmav. I will change the filter tomorrow