View Full Version : Tranny/Engine Problem

Eric Dubreuil
05-31-2002, 20:14
After driving my car normally for about 1/2 hour, it died when coming to a stop. I tried to start it in neutral, no go, didn't sound like it was getting fuel. Tried park and it started, but died again shortly after. Finally, after a couple of minutes of trying to start it, it started. I put it in drive and it stalled. Got it to start again in park, feathered the throttle while putting it in drive and got it going, but it died at the next stop light. Waited approx. ten minutes and started fine(appeared fixed), but once again it died after a minute or two. Any ideas? I love my truck!

05-31-2002, 20:50
Well, you'll have to be a little more forth coming with info ...... Miles especially ...... Have you tried draining fuel filter of water?Maybe a bad tank full ..... Or tried retightening fuel filter ?Could be sucking air . Is it time for a change? Fuel filter ....... MILES .....

[ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-31-2002, 21:08
Senor cuervo or whatever his name is has got you being a little polite eh? ;)

I was gonna guess the fuel cap thing, boy would that have been stupid. After reading your fuel diagnosis it sounds like any of the fixes you mentioned are possible . Especially the system losing its prime.

05-31-2002, 22:32
Accidentally pumping gas into your tank would give the exact same symptoms...but how would I know? ;)

Incidentally, the problems you describe wouldn't have to show up right after you filled up...a friend of mine ;) filled his tank up with gasoline, but didn't have problems until about a third of a tank later...apparently the gas and diesel separate out somewhat, due to their relative densities. Therefore the problem didn't show up until most of the diesel was burned off. "My friend" eventually got the truck to a dealership, madder than h@#$%, where he was quickly humbled when the fuel filter was taken off and the distinct smell of gasoline was taken in. Draining the tank and purging the fuel lines took care of the problem and a subsequent engine scan revealed no obvious damage to engine, glow plugs, etc. time will tell though. ;)

[ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: alamovet ]</p>

Eric Dubreuil
06-01-2002, 03:35
Your right, I'm wrong. You need more info. I bought the truck about a month and a half ago(NEW). It has 800 miles on it. I didn't check any of the fuel problems you mentioned, since it would not start in neutral, but immediately started in park. It is at the dealership now. I know nothing about diesels as this is my first. Thanks for the help.

DEEP SEA!!!!!!!!

06-01-2002, 05:48

Ya, can't scare all the NEWBIES ........ He was more little more informative and desired a fix ...... Plus a sig. ... The biggest not some senior poncho name ........... On this note .......
I'll wait for the Straw hat dude (justice of the peace, notary republic )to lets us know when his truck is fixed ......... I cannot give up all my material here ..... tongue.gif ....

Eric Dubreuil ,
Dis regard the note up top ..... Nuttin about you .......
You need a NS switch too .......It should start in neutral.... There has been a few bad ones ..... Get it before you get a NO start at a BAD time .......
Keep us informed we like to hear resolve to your's and others problems .......


06-03-2002, 09:53
My truck did exactly the same thing at 25000 miles, it turned out that the fuel filter was plugged. It was due to be changed at 30000 miles, but since I had a replacement filter on the shelf I thought I would try it before taking it to the dealer. It fixed the problem.