View Full Version : Allison shifting with tuner

Murray the Cop
10-01-2003, 13:34
I have a Quad 135hp tuner set at 135. I was told the shifting would improve as the tranny learned to shift with the added hp. OK it did get better but still not all that good. Is this something you just have to deal with or is there a solution? Quad is sending a new tuner to try to eliminate a dead spot at around 87-90 mph. I'm hoping that the new program will have a possitive effect on the shifting. Worst shifts at slower speeds.

10-01-2003, 14:44
The Allison will typically adapt to most tuners/modules, but some just do not jive. Could be a potentially hurt Allison, or it could be the program. When I get one that doesn't jive, I typically hook up the Tech 2 and preset all TAP cells so that it comes at me with both barrels and whittles down the firmness as it goes...

10-01-2003, 15:20
Murray, we gotta stop meeting like this! How long have you had the Quad installed? May still need some time. Also, w/ my Predator, I found that if I started off w/ the lower HP tunes first, ran each a few days, and then moved up to the higher ones, I did not need as much "learn" time from my tranny. I normally run in the 85HP setting, and it shifts fine. DinoMax :D :D

10-01-2003, 16:17
I ran the Quad 50, 90 and 110 for quite awhile. My truck still shifted like stock. I put the 135 tune in at Kennedy's and it shifted just as good. My own 135 should be here tomorrow. Mt truck has no issues shifting with the Quad tuner.