View Full Version : Predator 1.08..

DMAX Daddy
10-01-2003, 06:55
Yes 1.08, it threw a 234 Overboost and 236 Boost Sensor code on 65HP setting less than 1/4 mile from my driveway.

Max boost according to my gauge was 21.2.

Trying 40HP setting now. If it cant keep my speed setting and this problem IM going to be ****ED. :mad: :mad: :mad:

NOTE before you tell me how to set my speed correctly: My speed setting problem wasnt getting it correct, I would get it correct for 60MPH but a week later it would be wrong. Rehook the Predator, relearns, its right for a week then forgets it again.

I had it right, it just keeps losing the setting, so I do not need directions how to set it up correctly. It just changes after 5 to 10 days. I use my GPS and a measured mile to check, drive the route everyday, and 60MPH is my cruise speed. So its obvious when its wrong.

Phil B.
10-01-2003, 07:02
Randy - Bummer about the new version. Aside from the codes, did you notice an improvement in the tunes? The only tunes that are worth a darn on my V.1.04 are the 40HP (tow) and the 65HP tunes. The others shift and take off erratically and are kind of annoying.

Phil B.

DMAX Daddy
10-01-2003, 07:14
It had some pep. I was very happy with the 40HP 1.04, I upgraded to see if the new version would quit dropping my speed adjustment out on me.

Ill let you know about EGT's and smoke later. I mainly ran the 40HP Predator and lvl 2 Hot juice before. I just put my Juice back on so I can check the EGT's.

Before with 1.04 and CA Hot Juice
40HP 1.04 and lvl 4 CA Hot Juice - 1750+
lvl 4 CA Hot Juice - 1375ish
same w/o Cat Converter - 1250ish

More to come later. I think I need to ride out to our remote site this AM

10-01-2003, 08:04
DMAX Daddy, I have v1.07, and having same problem w/calibration of speedo. I heard v1.07 & v1.08 are essentially the same, but not sure :confused: I have been running the 85HP tune daily, and have yet to throw ANY codes whatsoever. EGT's will go over 1700 on hard acceleration, but just for a brief moment. Once I level speed off, they drop quickly. Normal cruising between 40 & 60 MPH, and EGT's are between 600 & 800. Boost pressure has been as high as 27.4 on my digital gauge in this setting. Not sure why you are getting overboost codes @ only 21.2 Maybe it's due to stacking :confused: tongue.gif Let me know what you find about speedo correction. Thanks, DinoMax :D :D

10-01-2003, 08:18
DMAX Daddy and DinoMax,
When your Pred forgets, do you still see the new tire information or does it go back to **** or default?

DMAX Daddy
10-01-2003, 09:32
Info does not change at all in the Predator. It stays exactly the exact same, I just modify the tune again and it works.

Just set a 236 pulling out of my parking lot at work on 40HP setting. The Edge was in now, it wasnt this AM when I set the 234 and 236. Wasnt even at 20 MPH yet this time.

10-01-2003, 09:34
I'm running v1.07 on a 2004 D/A (California model) and I am receiving the infamous overboost error codes. I contacted RunninWithTheDevil and James asked me to download the map file for my computer and send it to him. I also contacted Diablo directly and spoke with Nick Spinelli on the subject.

I haven't heard anything from James at Runnin, but I called Nick and he told me that they still see the problem from time to time on '03 and '04 models. Nick said it would probably be awhile before we will see any updates to this issue. He did say he has some '04s lined up to come in so they can test solutions, but he wouldn't commit to a time when it would resolved.

I am also unable to get in a remove the speed limiter, adjust for tire sizes, etc... I get a Table Modify error when it tries to allow me to do this. I told Nick of this and he said they will address it when the get around to it.

This is just a simple FYI for anyone considering purchasing a new Pred or to send theirs in for an update. I have run it on the 40 and 65HP tunes and it seems to run fine. The 65HP tune seems to shift funny, but I haven't put more than 50-60 miles on it since the tune so it might take awhile for the tranny to catch up to the change. I'll keep all informed.


p.s. the 65HP tune smokes just slightly...

10-01-2003, 10:37
chuntag95, the tire size change info stays in mine also, it's just the speedo that is off.

gassedracing, your problem must be isolated to the '04. Have not heard of anyone else having speed limiter/tire size info not even come up on their Pred. Kinda sucks that Diablo let it out for the '04 knowing this, when a lot of guys are buying it mainly for those two functions.

Phil B., My old v1.04 and my updated v1.07 run very well in the higher tunes. I originally had the erratic shift patterns, but once the Allison "learned" to deal w/it, it has been great. The throttle is not as touchy now w/ 1.07. They said 1.07 would reduce smoke, but if you ask me, it still smokes pretty heavy under hard acceleration. I kinda like that though tongue.gif :cool: tongue.gif DinoMax :D :D

DMAX Daddy
10-01-2003, 11:41
My last post on this, my 1.08 sets codes as fast as I can clear them.

Its a piece of **** IMHO and if I could I would get a refund.

10-01-2003, 12:57
DMAX Daddy, have you talked to anyone @ Diablo(or James @ runninwiththedevil) about v1.08 vs. v1.07? What's the difference between the 2? I have had both v1.04 and v1.07, and have never thrown a single code (overboost or otherwise). Now that I've said that, I'll probably light it up like a christmas tree on the way home tonight :eek: Anyway, maybe Diablo will send you a v1.07 like mine to try, and see what happens. I have not read about any problems w/ v1.07 as of yet. Is anybody else experiencing the same problem as you w/ v1.08? Good Luck, DinoMax :D :D

10-02-2003, 07:49
I see what I THINK is a trend/similarity here, and am in the process of discussing with Johan at Diablo...

10-02-2003, 08:53
I've been using a 1.04 Pred for a few months now. I use 40 HP setting when towing and 85 HP when commuting in the truck. I've never thrown a code under any circumstances.

My truck is currently de-programmed because its at the dealer for some work (leaky water pump).

I was figuring I'd send my pred in for an upgrade to 1.07 to get a little more power with less smoke and lower EGTs, but it sounds like I should wait and send it back once these problems have been worked out.

I get the truck back tonight and the 85 HP setting from the 1.04 will be there as soon as I can hook up the pred!


DMAX Daddy
10-02-2003, 10:15
1.04 40HP with lvl 4 CA Hot Juice w/o Cat - EGT ~1625 degrees

1.08 40HP with lvl 4 CA Hot Juice w/o Cat - EGT ~1575 degrees

IMHO, smoke is unchanged. :(

DMAX Daddy
10-02-2003, 15:01
Keeping my own post going :D ;) tongue.gif ;) :D

About 30 or 40 miles on 1.08 Pred and lvl 3 Juice, no codes.

The Codes seem to set when I accel from a stop and only hit 30MPH or so (mid throttle accels). Full throttle accels yielded no codes. You guys noticing the same thing?

I noticed smoke was worse with the new Predator, but in hindsight I only ran the Predator on 40HP 2 days after I took the CAT off. I think it may be the Predator smokes less, but it isnt "filtered/diffused" as much by the Cat prior to leaving the vehicle.

[ 10-02-2003, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: DMAX Daddy ]

Bush Pilot
10-03-2003, 07:13
I have an 03 and mine would set the MAF and boost codes at all power setting with V1.04.I installed the udate last week and have put 200 miles on it since and have not set any codes at the 65hp level. Got to wonder.

10-09-2003, 07:25
Johan, of DiabloSport, is still working to resolve the issues with the '03 and '04 Duramax and with the Predator. It seems more applicable to the CA emissions trucks, however, Johan does have an '04 Floridian truck on the dyno as I type this (non emissions), and he did get it to throw a code, as well. I just spoke with Greg (gassedracing; he has a CA emissions truck), and I'm sending him 2 tunes (65 and 85) with the speed limiter maxed out for him, plus incorporating a possible fix for the codes. I will let him respond back concerning this and comment on his testing with the 2 new tunes.

I'll be at DiabloSport next week from Monday through Thursday, and I will respond back from there as I get more information about this. I do know the table error is completely fixed (where it wasn't allowing some to adjust their speed limiter, etc.), and that will be incorporated into this other fix.

Kind Regards...

10-09-2003, 07:29
Update, 1 min. later. v1.09 is being released tomorrow with the fixes (Friday, Oct. 10). This will cover the '03/'04 applications that have issues with the speed limiter and speedo re-cal, and overboost codes. I'll make a new thread concerning this shortly, on what to do to get the revision upgrade if you're having any of the problems.


10-09-2003, 19:12
Running the 65hp tune James sent, all seems better now. No speed limiter ;) and no codes thrown.

Huge thanks to James@Running and Johan(sp?)@Diablo for getting it better.

The 65hp tune feels great. There is still a pretty aggressive surge of power ~1800 rpm but you just have to get used to it.

10-10-2003, 03:42
If you guys are showing high boost and temperature and then blow a piston how do you explain the apparent discoloration of burnt parts and lack of fault codes when it comes to warranty work???

good luck

10-10-2003, 04:49
The overboost codes were false alarms. I have boost and EGT gauges and neither are excessively high. In fact, I wish I had more boost (and I was sure the motor could handle it)...wastegate...is it worth it?

10-10-2003, 06:47
I seem to get about 25psi boost max with the Predator (65hp tune), versus about 22 stock.

Mine also comes on quickly as the motor crosses 1800rpm. There's little boost below that.

One pleasant surprise from my Predator: the fuel mileage is noticeably better. I've tracked it carefully since the truck was new and it's always been mid 17's to low 18's in cool weather, 19's in hot weather. Well, two tanks on the Predator so far, in cool weather, have netted 18.9 and 19.8mpg.