View Full Version : Turbo Timer installed

09-29-2003, 05:41
Well I installed a turbo timer http://www.midstatesinc.com/products/TurboLifesaver.htm .

The main reason I put it in is so that I could leave my truck running with the key yanked. It works as advertised, I can set run down time from 1-250 minutes, I can leave my truck with it running and hop back in and put the key in and take off. Pretty happy with it and the install is easy but I had a few glitches. First problem was that the instructions call for hooking up to a red wire w/white stripe. Only red/white wire was a little bitty guy. I called them to double check and they were very helpfull but completley stumped. Every install they did on the 03 chevys had a red wire white stripe. Maybe GM ran outa red/white wire that day and did the job with red? Who knows? I have 2 solid red wires of the right gauge and all I needed was a constant hot so it wasnt a big deal. They also say "plug and play" but on the duramax you gota hook it up with scotch clips. No big deal but I was kinda disapointed that it was kinda misrepresented.

And dont hook up the timer and test operation with the ground not hooked up! You blow fuses and there are qute a few IGN fuses on a 03 Duramax to look through. Dont ask me how I found this little tid-bit out redface.gif