View Full Version : explain this fuel thing to me ??

09-28-2003, 19:21
this is my first duramax truck , i have since been reading this web site and want to know what all the fuss is about on these trucks with the fuel filters . i have 1100 miles on mine it is a 2004 , i also purchased the juice and uni filter from kennedy . i love the way it runs .

should i run something else with my fuel ?
what oil should i use ?

should i add this extra filter to it also ?

i know that these might be stupid question for some but i will only know if i ask . thanks

09-28-2003, 19:28
Best bet is to do a search on fuel filter, and read. There is a lot of discussion that has been done already on the topic. There are also a number of choices for secondary filtration. Search, read, learn, and make an educated decision on what is best for you and your truck. There does not seem to be one, absolute, right answer to the question.

Hope this helps,
