View Full Version : turbo waste gate lever movement

Dave C
03-12-2004, 13:15
With the engine off if I push the waste gate lever down to force it open, should it spring back closed when I release it? Mine doesn't. I have Heath's boost master installed and thought that the spring should force it back to the closed position. The lever is very stiff and requires a bit of presure to get open. Haven't had any problems otherwise (egnine runs fine, etc.) but I don't currently use the sub for towing and don't have a boost gauge yet so don't know what kind of presure I'm running.

03-12-2004, 13:52
I do not have the boost master, however, my lever does not spring back, either. It does take some force - maybe 5 to 10 lbs. of pressure (just a guesstimate).

patrick m.
03-12-2004, 14:38
if you have the "turbo-master", it should spring back to the closed postition, other wise, you are not getting boost

Dave C
03-13-2004, 11:46
Okay, if I push it open then start the engine it does close back just about all the way. I think it's all right. It just seemed to me that it should be easier to move back and forth. But then I'm no expert.
Thanks for the info. smile.gif

03-13-2004, 12:08
Back the adjusting nut all the way out, so the spring is loose, or remove it altogether.

The rod\lever assembly should move freely, full closed to open to full closed, with no binding at any point.
Should be able to 'pop' the wastegate flapper against full closed.

If not, check for binding in wastegate shaft or rod attachment to lever.

As stated above, wastegate must fully close to produce correct boost.

Exhaust backpressure against set spring tension opens wastegate, dumping turbine rpm and boost.

03-13-2004, 15:19
When I installed mine it was binding as well, bending it worked but I bent it to much trying to make it perfect and broke it. It now sits in a box till I fix it.

03-13-2004, 15:42
HEATH TURBO MASTER ,EASy installation, worked as advertised.VERY satisified, REALLY NICE DESIGN AT VERY REASONABLE COST.

The only thing I noticed, after I removed
GM vacuun controller, I moved lever to
full open, It stuck there, Probably from
never going to this position under normal
operation. UNstuck ( pushed real hard ) installed kit.I do not think the Turbo master will allow waste gate to go full open....

SO IT WORKS, Get 9 lbs boost, and stays there
up to 3000 rpm, GM allowed boost to fall off
after 2000 rpm...Will check with T/C laoded,
expect more boost under load. May push it up
to 10-11 psi, thats enough for me.

03-13-2004, 16:37
Mixup in terminology on my part - full open is not full travel of wastegate lever.

Full open is about 1\4" travel measured linearly along rod axis.
It should move 1/2 total travel without binding.
Full travel binding is flapper valve rubbing against elbow inside-wall, and is normal.

Intention was to ensure wastegate would snap closed when moving rod with fingers.

My apologies for the confusion.

[ 03-14-2004, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: gmctd ]

Dave C
03-14-2004, 12:41
It was binding! Thanks GMCTD. I took it apart and the wastegate lever moved without any resistance. Had to bend the Tobo Master rod to get it to go through the guides without binding. Moves freely by hand now. :D Life is good. smile.gif

Dave C
03-16-2004, 06:51
Originally posted by Joey D:
When I installed mine it was binding as well, bending it worked but I bent it to much trying to make it perfect and broke it. It now sits in a box till I fix it. Bill Heath called me and said that he heard about this thread. He wants folks to know that he has a re-designed Turbo Master that takes care of the problem of mis-alignment on some turbos (mine as well as Joey D's). He is sending me (at no charge) the parts needed to make it right. He said that he's contacting the customers that he knows of and wants to hear from anyone else who had any problems. How's that for service? :D :D :D

03-17-2004, 12:53
Maybe I will get a call...

03-17-2004, 14:05
Unless Bill Heath has your number, Joey D, I would just give him a call, as Dave C stated.

The man is most definitely NOT unreasonable.... :cool:

03-17-2004, 16:13
He has my #. I will give him some time as these things take time to get sorted out. I trust he will take care of it, no worrys

03-17-2004, 16:16
While i did break mine, I did modify it to test it out and it does what is is supposed to do.
My only concern is the fact that the motor is always under boost pressure. With out the turbo master it will drop to 0 or 1 pound of boost while on the flat highway just cruising but with it on it holds 8 lbs or so same road same hr and same speed.
Will this be a problem? :confused:

03-17-2004, 17:45
Not sure I understand you post, but, and this is supposing you do not have the original wg control -

Non-turbo 6.5's run without boost, with the pump turned down some, so you should be able to control it with a light foot.

If you have an EGT, keep an eye on it.

If not,watch your mirror for excessive black smoke, as egt's will increase from the super hot unburned fuel.

On the other hand, if you're saying the oem controller holds boost at 1psi, and the TM holds it at 8psi, then that is no problem, as higher boost means better efficiency.

Long as intake air temps stay below 200deg, and at only 8psi they will, all is well, based on my truck performance.

[ 03-17-2004, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: gmctd ]

03-18-2004, 03:17
While I was testing it I did not notice the EGT readings. I will try it again. I removed it due to it being broken and the fact it was under boost and figured milage would drop with it running like that.

Dave C
03-18-2004, 05:19
When I got my TM it included two springs, one for higher boosts where the engine is equiped with a "chip", guages, etc., and one with less tension (silver in color) for stock setups.

Per Bill's instructions I used the silver one and tightened it to 2 inches of spring with the wastegate in the closed position. This will keep boost pressure constant (which will keep the engine and turbo happy), and will dump boost in excess of about 7 or 8 pounds (which will keep the ECM happy).

Joey D, if you didn't get the silver spring Bill will send you one along with the other parts you need, he offered to send me one anyway. When I talked to him it was clear that he wants to keep his customers satisfied and maintain his company's good reputation. ;)

Give him a call. :D

03-18-2004, 06:15
I will add that to my monthly, are the programmers ready yet e mail that I send Bill anyways

03-18-2004, 14:03
Talked with Bill today and the new one is on it's way with a reprogramed ECM

Turbine Doc
03-18-2004, 22:58
One more thing for the turbo master if you have rotated the turbo housing to go to IC it will also cause misalignment, let Bill know this up front you may need to do some peaking and tweaking to the TM link rod.