View Full Version : Edge Juice with Monitor - $200 less??

03-29-2004, 11:36
I am all about supporting those who contribute to this forum, the diesel community and all by purchasing products from them.

However, when it comes to saving a substantial amount of money, I would almost rather purchase something elsewhere (saving the money) and send part of the savings to a supporter here.

My case in point is that there is a seller on an unamed auction community, selling the Edge Juice with attitude for $240 or so less than most vendors. He says they are new and he has a large inventory of said items.

That is a considerable amount of money to be saved. Part of me says dont do it, and the other part says do it and spend the saved money on more mods or buying something for the wife to keep her happy with my newly acquired toy smile.gif

For those who have ever had a problem with and Edge product, it sounds like you just call edge up and they replace it if they deem it has a problem that is with their code.

So, I pose the question: What would you do?

03-29-2004, 12:59
The party in question is not an authorized Edge dealer. There has been an epidemic of basement, back door, selling out of their truck vendors starting up, and along with devaluing the product, it makes those that follow the rules and abide by Edge policies look bad.

Suffice to say, I've discussed with Edge at length in multiple, VERY heated conversations with Edge, and feel I have come upon a crossroads.

Not sure yet which way I will turn just yet, but it is looking like a change in direction is dictated...

03-29-2004, 13:00
Well since price controls are Communist, and free competition is good old USA Capitalism, a better product at a lower price is good!

(But--some people, though living in the USA, don't believe in capitalism. If ya DON'T believe, then the alternative is the converse, a worse product at a higher price...which simply makes no sense.)
IMHO of course smile.gif

BTW, andrew, could you email me (mrtransistor@hotmail.com) the name/number of the place you are talking about at so in the Free USA I can decide for myself what to do?

03-29-2004, 14:58
So the question of the hour is, does edge force an authorized dealer to sell their products at a specific price?

What I don't understand is if these other sellers are not edge authorized, then how are they getting products at a reduced price? If Edge controls their distribution channel, then all they have to do is choose who they sell their units to and force out these "back door" vendors.

If it is just employees of the Edge company selling the products direct on ebay, then that tells me Edge has poor management. I would hope that it isn't one of the key owners of Edge undercutting their dealers like this, else there would be no more dealers.

I, like many of the TDP members, are thankful for your support and certainly don't want to cause any issues. It just comes down to saving money when possible, something I am forced to do when, I shouldn't even be looking at performance mods right now for my truck :( *getting married sure is expensive* smile.gif

03-29-2004, 15:18
This is one of those dilemmas we must all face from time to time. Should we only look at the cash we're paying and the product and buy what we want the cheapest way possible, or look at the big picture and buy from a reputable dealer. I've been in the mobile electronics business for a number of years now and over the last few, I've heard the same thing over and over again. "I can get it cheaper on ebay". My standard reply to that is "then buy it on ebay, and good luck" . Good luck if something goes wrong with it. Good luck calling the ebay seller if something goes wrong down the road or you throw a code. Some other things to keep in mind: How much do ya think the guy on ebay knows about the product? Most guys that sell that way know what's on the box and that's about it. Anybody that sells that stuff can sell it for what they pay for it, or just over and make quick money, and that's all they care about, money. Hell, I have a business, I could have a case of Juice within a week and sell them dirt cheap on ebay for some quick cash, that's really easy. But how about standing behind what you sell and being there to answer questions and help when needed? Good luck. Guys that are in this for the right reason, they love the trucks, get screwed by people like that. Just remember it's not just the product that price tag needs to cover. There's a ton of business expenses that go with a business, not just product. It's a free country, do as you choose, good luck!


skidsteer loader
03-29-2004, 15:40
This is exactly the reason I ordered from Kennedy. Great service. I wouldnt buy one of these on Ebay if it were $100 bucks. Its probably junk. John it sounds like (from your post) you may no longer be dealing with Edge? If I'm correct, what do I do if problems arise with my juice?

03-29-2004, 15:45
I have had nearly every version of the juice since the original 3.0. From my experiance I would go with reliable service over price on this item.

03-29-2004, 17:14
Originally posted by skidsteer loader:
This is exactly the reason I ordered from Kennedy. Great service. I wouldnt buy one of these on Ebay if it were $100 bucks. Its probably junk. John it sounds like (from your post) you may no longer be dealing with Edge? If I'm correct, what do I do if problems arise with my juice? Not sure what the future holds, but warranty is not a problem. One way or another I get things done...


Saw you called but couldn't take it. Finishing up first few hours of Superflow training. I'll be tied up thru mid Wednesday as we just started late this aft on 16 hr program...

[ 03-29-2004, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: kennedy ]

03-30-2004, 22:21
At $240 below MAP pricing, this dealer is making little or no money at all. Unfortunately, there are alot of people who do sell products for prices like this and ruin it for legitimate vendors.

John- Best of luck to ya.

04-01-2004, 12:14
I purchased my Juice from Kennedy. When it went bad all it took was a few emails and I was taken care of with another unit. Service like this pays big dividends back to me.

04-04-2004, 13:39
not sure about the reputation in this case, but do not assume all those on eay selling something do not stand behind product. for a lot of vendors, they do not need to worry about fees associated advertising, store front, etc and that relates to pricing. i have purchased form quite a few folks that have provided excellent service AND support. dont stereotype all on ebay becuase somebody sells less. i got off topic, but dont like to see unproven assumptions up front

04-04-2004, 19:01
While it is very tempting to save a few bucks on something.. I look at it like this....

Your truck is out of warranty and its broke down, you are next to two shops. One sign says Bucky's Garage and in front of the place you see some big guy in a t-shirt that is way to small sucking on a cigar. On the other side of the road, you see a sign that says Joe's Diesel shop. You see a busy parking lot and a nice clean facility with lots of endorsements. Bucky's labor rate is 40.00 per hour and he has seen them deazuls on tv, but always wanted to work on one. Joe is fully endorsed, is very knowledgable and has lots of referrals to his service.... where you going? Cheapest place :rolleyes:

04-05-2004, 13:40
OR.... You can go to your Chevy dealer and pay some guy $80 an hour that saw a Duramax in the parking lot and always wanted to work on one. (that doesn't include you Eric smile.gif )

Lone Eagle
04-05-2004, 19:14
I for one do not pay friendship dues. Edge guarantees their product. If it dies or you need service you can call them. I bought mine from a local diesel repair shop. They matched the best price I could get from our forum vendors. If I need help I will drive down to Edge and have them fix it. My son bought a used chip for his Cummins that was the wrong one. He went in to Edge to see if they could upgrade it. They exchanged it for the right one at no charge. Later! Frank smile.gif

04-05-2004, 19:34
Originally posted by LakeDaisy:
OR.... You can go to your Chevy dealer and pay some guy $80 an hour that saw a Duramax in the parking lot and always wanted to work on one. (that doesn't include you Eric smile.gif ) Man is it scary how right you are :eek: