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09-26-2003, 12:44
Well, now it has happened to me!!!!!!!
I thought i had a vac. pump going out ,but nooo.
It seems the ticking i heard was i think a wrist pin .
Blew a rod throuh the pan and locked up engine.
Boost had droped from 10 to 7 or 8 psi and it was running great then going down the fwy about 60mph i thought i lost a belt.
I stoped and tried the starter and it would just grind,locked up tight.
Well i looked under the truck and then i knew for shure, a big puddle of black oil.
Well it looks like i going to be driving my 68 ford fairlane for a long time.
David :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-26-2003, 13:41
How many miles on Engine...?

09-26-2003, 19:57
Only 175,890 miles with good reg. maintence.
It is in the back of the engine most likely #8
David :mad:

09-26-2003, 20:55
I feel your pain.

09-27-2003, 12:37
Try Airline Auto Parts on Cavalcade for a good assembly from GM warranty replacement.
But, don't tell 'em I sent cha..


09-28-2003, 19:03
I am going to load some pics on my truck pics site some time tonite.
I found two holes one on each side and the starter is busted also!!!
WOW :mad: :confused:

10-03-2003, 22:46
Well i got the pan off and it is looking a little better.
Rod broke just under the wrist pin.
I added some more pictures!!
David :rolleyes:

10-04-2003, 06:31
I'm sure, by now, you've cleaned the block area around all the main webbing with lacquer thinner, taken a coffe break, then inspected the surfaces for oil bleed-thru from cracking, right?
Good pictures, nasty job.


10-04-2003, 22:47
It's not out yet,i took the pictures from under the truck.
I am still trying to find the part numbers for the 18 to 1 pistons.
thanks David

10-05-2003, 14:16
Now would be best time to do it, before removing engine - gravity helps delineate the problem, right?

If necessary, give Airline Auto Parts a call for warranted block\engne assemblies - cores are all he deals in, no car parts.
Everything for engines.
