View Full Version : Best Attitude Setup?

03-18-2004, 07:54
I have ordered a Juice/Attitude. I have seen several discussions on defuel, smoke, etc. What is the best setup for a Stock Transmission that has not been abused too much? From what I read, the destructions aren't real clear on what's best for what.

03-18-2004, 08:47
I currently running mine at level 4 with low boost fueling at 4 and defuel 4-5 locked shift only. I'm happy with those settings, but I'm not much of a "thrasher" either!

03-18-2004, 09:53
I run level 5 all the time, low boost fueling on the highest setting (most responsive) and the defuel on 4-5 locked shift only. I run the truck pretty hard sometimes and I have had no problems in the few months with the attitude.

03-18-2004, 10:39
I'm a really conservative sort. I run default settins in level 2 no matter what. Towing, empty, around town, you name it. If I'm in serious mountainous areas and towing, I might drop to level 1. On the other hand, if somebody in a "Brand X" truck decides he wants to play, level 5 is just a couple of keystrokes away. Neither situation happens enough to warrant any concerns about the Allison. Keeping the Chippies away is a bigger concern.

03-18-2004, 12:36
I have been runnning level 2 around town. Works really good. Smooth and not overly responsive to small throttle inputs. I have the low boost fueling set on level 2 also (I have CA emissions, so you may be able to use a higher value with still no smoke).

Even level 0, which is just timing, makes the truck wake up with respect to throttle input. If you wanted the best possible mileage, use this setting.

a bear
03-22-2004, 07:54
OK Bill,
Man look at these juice/attitude installs. It appears that Chris and Alan has also joined me in going over to the dark side. As much as you enjoy mods my best guess is that your mouth is watering as I type. My best guess is that you will cave in to the pressure within 6 months. :D
By the way the time delay is working great. :cool:

[ 03-22-2004, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: a bear ]

03-22-2004, 10:29
a bear, :D You crack me up. It's calling to you Bill. LOL.

I took the truck in this morning for it's last warranty work. Needed the console cover changed and wanted them to update the ECM and TCM and check the fuel pressure regulator before I get out of the 3yr 36K (Hit 36K last week.) The service guy gave me till today since he didn't call back for 2 days with an appointment and my Grandmother passed away in-between my call and his. Needed the truck for the trip.

Got the J/A on Saturday and was going to not install due to the dealer run, but couldn't resist even that long. :rolleyes:

03-23-2004, 10:37

Did you get tired off that Predator. Which version Attitude hot or reqular?

03-24-2004, 08:53

Got your msg and I'll call you went I get a sec. I got the 125 Attitude, which I believe is the standard plus a 125 that can only be used with the Attitude. My tranny is bone stock, so I didn't want to go Hot, but I couldn't stand stock after running the Pred so long. The Predator was KILLING my mileage. It didn't seem to do much until I went up to the 265's. That doesn't make sense, but I was losing 2 mpg on the highway that was confirmed with a trip to the coast. I went down with the Pred and got 17 and came back stock and got 19. Most folks say their mileage increases with the Juice, so I decided to try it. Had to beg the wife and pester her for a week to get her to give in. redface.gif All in the name of performance. :D Anyway, they finally got done with my warranty work and I get her back today, so back on it will go.

03-24-2004, 11:21
My attitude and predator do not get along together. The old juice and predator did thought. Witht he old juice and the Attitude I just used the predator for speed limiter.