View Full Version : The Winter Front and the ZF-6

12-22-2004, 14:01
I've heard others say NOT to use the winter front while towing, but does that apply to the Ally only? I mean I can understand the overheat because of the ATF needing cooling, but that factor being a no factor, could I, should I use the wind blocker when I go up north?


More Power
12-22-2004, 15:42
Unless it's below zero, you'll probably need to remove the winter front to improve airflow while towing, both for engine temps and to help cool the intercooler. Your fan-clutch could also run a good deal more with the winter front on while towing.


12-22-2004, 20:29
Thanks Jim

I'll wait till it gets colder. I'll also watch the temp and listen for the fan and see if I can see a pattern.

While passing through IN last week when the snow was starting, I did put the top wind breaker on and drove for ... oh... 200 miles or so and didn't see any changes. It was +30 and the trailer was 13,000+ lbs.


PS Anyone that gets a 6.6 with California emissions on it... good luck!