View Full Version : My First Time

09-21-2003, 14:56
WOW!!! Thats all I can say... I started a post here the other day talking about purchasing the Predator and how I wanted to use it for the scanner and not power... I guess I lied... I plugged it in and next thing you know I had an extra 60 or so HP on tap... The truck runs like a raped ape... But now after driving it for a day I have a few questions regarding the Predator and Performance, but first a few notes about my truck...
EGT probe: post turbo
EGT's driving around highway: 400-600
Trans temp (normal hot day, mixed driving): 160-190
Boost (higway around 70 mph): 2-5 PSI

My questions, after putting the Predator on:
1) EGT's on the highway at 70 are about 50 degrees cooler running between 350-550... Arent exhaust temps supposed to be hotter with HP boxes or is that only when you step on the go pedal?
2) Trans temps run hotter by 10 or so degrees. I noticed this mostly on the city streets and think its due to the way the torque curve changed making the motor higher winding... What are others seeing?
3) When using the Predator to modify parameters, I dont see an option to set the parameters for the stock setting. Am I doing something wrong or what?
4) Injectors readings are close together except for #8... #1-7 run between .82 and 1.24 and #8 is at 2.2... does this mean I have an bad injector?
5) Does the Predator de-fuel during shifting cause the shifting feels like there is a second delay between the gears.
6) Not a question, but a little sympathy would help... MY A/C stopped working today and its well over 90 right now... Dealer here I come...

Sorry about the long post... Thanks in advance for the great help...