View Full Version : incentives changed

03-05-2004, 07:58
When I ordered my GMC D/A several weeks ago (TPW 3/15) they were offering 0% for 60 months. Now I see on the GMC website that it has changed to a maximum of 48 months for the 0%. Can they change this on me after I have already ordered? This will cost me $1,500 in intrest that I had not planned on paying. Is there anything I can do about this?

03-05-2004, 08:24
When we ordered ours it was 3.9% we ended up with 0% for 48. I asked about the same thing you are concerned about and was told the policy was that you end up with what ever is in your favour.

You will get your original deal.

03-05-2004, 11:00
You get whatever incentives are present when you sign the papers. They also have like a 1000 rebate with 2.9% interest. Hopefully they will bring back the 0.0%

03-07-2004, 17:50
As dmax4life stated, you get whatever deals are in place when you take delivery of the truck. Thats one downside of ordering...you take a risk of what incentives will be available when you take delivery.

03-07-2004, 18:47
Dosen't seem quite fair to change after I have ordered but I can't say I am surprised. I have found out that I can get an eloan at 3.99% for 60 months. If the $2500 rebate is still there when it is delevered it won't cost me very much extra.

Scott Duprey
03-09-2004, 06:57
I was looking at a 3500srw and this is what the dealer pulled on me. He said he had just got a fax and the 0 was gone. Payment went up 45 bucks. I don't know if this is true or not but I felt that the dealer was trying to pull a fast one on me and I walked. I am do not like deal switching as we get close to sealing the deal.

This is why I never play the buy the same day game. I always just look and then buy. Never the same day. That puts the power in the sellers hands. I go where the deals are.

It just felt like the changing price deal. Not for me. I will keep what I have. When the price wheel was turing and not in my favor my old truck was a lot cheaper to keep then trade.

Lost sale for GM. My next truck will be a FL50 or FL60. Loss for GM all the way you look.

03-09-2004, 08:49
It is something that is out of the dealer's hands. He should have told you that the incentives were only good til march 1. I guess in your case you should have bought the same day. That's the way it goes though. I look for the 0 to be back on pretty quick though.

03-09-2004, 12:28
When I ordered, around Feb. 5, the dealer told me that the 0% for 60 months or $2500 cash was good until March 31, which is the same thing that it said on the GMC website. On March 1st the website changed to say that the 0% is only for up to 48 months. I haven't contacted the dealer about the change. I figure I will get my e-loan set up before I go to pick up the truck and see what they have to say about financing at that time, and just take whatever looks best.

03-09-2004, 13:18
I'm sorry but I am looking at the incentives and and one released 2/17/2004 04-32a-9 Says that the 0 is good through March 1 and 1.9 from March 2 through march 31. The one you are looking at is probably the one that was sent out on February 5 04-32a-8 which has the rebates extended until march 31. Just sounds like the dealer wasnt paying attention to all the new rebates that got sent out from GM. Sorry again about the mis-hap and let me know if you need further info.

03-17-2004, 09:38
Talked to the saleswoman down at the dealer yesterday and she says that my truck is "on the production line" and that the current cashback without special financing rate is $3250! I have my own financing arranged at 3.85%. I'm ready to ride! She says that she should have the vin number by Monday at the latest and we can do the deed then and lock in the current rebate.