View Full Version : I did it.

03-04-2004, 20:59
I ordered one today!!!

1st new truck ever. Is it here yet?

Now its time to sell the '97 6.5 4x4.

03-05-2004, 06:24
Congrats! My 2002 is my first new truck ever also...

03-05-2004, 07:09
I think I've got you both beat. My new baby should be delivered in about 4 weeks (TPW 3/15) and it will be my first brand spankin' new vehicle of ANY KIND in my 57 year old life! Also my first diesel! So you can imagine how excited I am. I must admit that after reading this forum daily for the last two months I am trying to convince myself that all of the troubles I read about are NOT the norm and my injectors will NOT plug up on the first tank of gas (Uh..fuel, I mean) and my tranny will NOT fall out the next day.

03-05-2004, 07:32
Find yourself a good fuel supplier, and consider improved filtration. Good additive too.

I recently got a bad batch of fuel on the road. I ended up with a few tiny "fisheggs" of water in both my primary (you know, the one that is SUPPOSED to separate this stuff) AND secondary elements.

I always run emulsifying additive as this water is not aprticular where it settles. The unfortunate part is that no additive used at recommended treat ratio will correct for large amounts of water. All a guy can do is drain it and additize more aggressively to clean it up...

No injector troubles here. Been watching one that acts a bit odd, but it's been that way since new...

03-05-2004, 13:17
Over a period of about 2 weeks I spent many hours reading and re-reading and re-re-reading a few hundred posts on the supplemental filtration question. After all of that I still don't know what to do. Leave it alone and hope that if there is a problem it will be before the warranty runs out or add a second filter and hope that 1.- it prevents any problem in the first place or 2.- if I still have a problem my warranty won't be voided. To add to the confusion I am 1.- not sure if the new LLY version has a more effective OEM filter and 2. - don't know how much cheaper the new injectors will be to replace if there is a problem. If they are cheap enough to fix then I figure it would be best to just leave it alone. Also adding to my idecision is the fact that because of physical limitations I couldnt do the install myself and I don't know enough about mechanics to understand the issues surrounding the need/implementation of a lift pump it I were to go with post-OEM. And then there is the issue of using an additive when the manual says not to. If I use one should it be an emulsifier or de-emulsifier. I have read a couple of posts where the truck was running badly and it was believed to be caused by the additive :confused: