View Full Version : Just checked air filter

02-27-2004, 14:10
I just checked my air filter (stock paper filter) and was surprised at the amount of dried insects, leaves, and other debris in the air filter box. Is this normal?
I have about 14,500 miles on this filter. The filter itself did not look excessively dirty. How do most of you determine when to change your filter?

02-27-2004, 14:20
Yep, those little crippers lay around the bottom of the box don't they. The important thing is they didn't get in the air intake. Look at the dial with the green and red marking to determine when it's about time to change. Error on the early side. :D

02-27-2004, 16:50
Thanks for the reply. Glad to know that my collection of critters is normal.
The indicator has hardly any red showing at all. Still think I may go ahead and change it.

02-27-2004, 19:16
a good filter = better fuel economy...... more power and longer engine life! filters are the blood line of your engine....use the best money can buy!

02-28-2004, 07:51
I have observed diffrent amounts of bugs and other larger debris in the air box with different vehicles. The Dmax seems to have more. I wonder if there is a good way to put a screen or something across the airbox inlet that will keep the larger stuff from clogging the filter. It would need to flow freely and just knock the large stuff out of the filter.

Chris N5CWM
02-29-2004, 07:02
The VW Jetta TDI that I owned had a fine mesh screen at the inlet pipe to the airbox. It was right behind the driver's side headlight area.
The pipe to the airbox was about 2' long. The screen would clog up with sand, bugs, cigarrette butts etc. to about 60-75% between cleanings. It was only about 3" diameter. The screen was too fine of a mesh. Almost like nylon stocking material but stronger.
A screen with a spacing around 1/8th inch to keep out the big stuff like bugs and cigg butts, and not clog up with small debris would be better. Also having it positioned vertically so any stuff that collected during the drive would fall out via gravity when you shut the engine off.