View Full Version : Update: Garret Turbo

03-09-2004, 18:04
After a day of testing and driving I have came to the finaly conclusion that I will for sure be aquiring a smaller A/R turbo. I played with the timing, made sure there are no boost leaks, and everything else imaginable. The result: 8lbs of boost EGT's of 1150-1200(pre-turbo). I origanally stated that the A/R of the turbo that I have aquired is 1.00, I was mistaken, it is 1.32, way to big for a low RPM 6.5. I am think I have found an exhaust housing with an A/R of .96. How much should one of these cost new? When I get a new housing I will post some more results.

03-10-2004, 06:48
on center $150, tangential $300.

03-10-2004, 07:22
Thanks Grape, I found one on the internet for $120.

patrick m.
03-10-2004, 16:06
Justin, does your Garrett have a "v-band" clamp at the rear of the turbine housing, or a bolt on flange?
I've been looking at turbine housings too, but all i can find are v-bands, and four bolt flange.
Mine is a 6 bolt flange (tangintal).
I have a A/R of 1.00, and thinking about an A/R somewear in the the 80s :D

03-10-2004, 18:00
just covert your down pipe to v-band.....about $50 for parts.

03-10-2004, 21:41
Mine is a 3.5" v-band clamp. I would like to find another v-band, but the one I found is an on-center four bolt set up with an A/R of .96. If all you can find are the v-band setups, I may have an extra used 3.5" clamp, flange, 90 elbow and 3.5-3 reducer on my hands.

Hey, by the way you post on "another site" don't ya? ;) Did I cause a problem over there if ya do? :eek:

patrick m.
03-11-2004, 16:13
do have any pics of your set-up?
i can convert to a v-band turbine with out much problem, just have to make another elbow.

i dont know of any problem. those are a wild bunch (some). i post in a few, these two are my favorites ;)

03-11-2004, 16:24
I don't have any pics, but could take some this evening pretty easily. The only problem I have with my setup is space, that 3.5" pipe is hard to fit in there, but I think it is worth it. If you would be interested in what I have drop me a line at justincoco at hotmail.com. Thanks for all the advice.

PS There are other sites that are less tolerant of certain things than what some people claim this one is, and they don't give second chances. Not impressed. I enjoy it here and hope to stay, it is my favorite.