View Full Version : Lift Pump Installed

06-19-2003, 10:46
Stick a fork in me, I'm DONE! :D Well it's working anyway. I finished about 1:45 this morning.

I changed out my glycerin gauge for the same one, but unfilled. You see about a 1 PSI swing from vibration that was not there with the filled gauge. I set up on zero PSIG or as close to bouncing on either side as I could. I was really surprised on how much I had to close the needle valve. I am about a turn or turn and a half from closed to get zero. Righty higher pressure, lefty lower pressure. At 1 a.m. in the morning you have to repeat some things over and over.

I removed my bleeder pump and used the power going to the switch to power the pump via a relay to the oil pressure switch and post switch to the pump directly. Both worked first time! I put a weather pack connector on for the pump, and the line to the alternator/switch where it hooks to the relay harness. I just used ring terminals for the OP switch, but they are soldered and sealed with liquid electrical tape. I used heat shrink or the liquid electrical tape on every connector. I have a plug for the relay, so if it goes bad, I won't be soldering under the truck. I soldered every connection but 2 crimp connectors. I could have used a weatherpack, but I just heat shrinked and gooed them. I will probably go back and wrap the relay down to the wires with the good electrical tape just to be safe. I need to get back under tonight to take pictures. Don't know what you will see for the wiring since I put loom on EVERYTHING. I put 1" on the hoses (didn't have any 3/4" at the depot) and 1/2" on the return line hose. It didn't really fit all the way around, but will protect it from the shields and other lines. For the wires, I used 3/8 from the pump to the relay and OP switch and 1/2 in that clustered area going up to my weatherpack connection to go to the front. I used the 3/8 to go across the engine and tied everything up neatly. I might have to put a brace on the open end of my box, but am undecided still.

I had to use a cheater pipe to break loose the plug on the oil housing. I guess they have the same gorilla put those in when he puts on the filter. I busted one knuckle, smacked my forehead with a Crescent wrench and almost cut the tip of my pinky off with a pair of Sear Handy Cuts. :eek: The darn things came open when I moved them and I reached back over my head without looking. :rolleyes: I knew it quick. Used the electrical tape and paper towel method so I could keep going.

The wrench slipped off the OP switch and I now have a 1" x 1/2" bruise in the middle of my forehead. Did not want the thing to leak since I had to use 2 adapters. I had 1/8 to 1/2, 1/8 to 1/4, 1/4 to 3/8, 3/8 to 1/2 but no 1/8 to 3/8. Figures huh? :rolleyes:

I had a little bit of air when I got to work, but that was probably residual from all the work. I have gone back to the hard line, which was open and not in use for the last couple of weeks, so not unexpected. I am smelling diesel, but I don't see a leak. I will pull my cover and check the backside of the filter when I get home tonight. I will check my gauge as well as I did not put sealant on it now that I think of it.

I will remove my air trap and the gauge block post Mega next weekend if I go air free and stabilize. I haven't figured out how or where to mount the gauge on the Mega bleed port. I would still like to put a transducer for my SPA on to watch pressure, but it won't tell as much when you have the pump going. I figured I'd pull the fuse and get a baseline so I can periodically check my restriction due to the filters. I have to carry 3 filters now. A small pre, the medium OEM and the MEGA. I bet I have some clean fuel now. ;)

I do have a schematic in Excel of my wiring so I have a lift pump and a bleeder pump with relay protection. I can send it to anyone that is going down this path.

Hey Mac, I WON! I WON! I WON! tongue.gif

06-19-2003, 10:50
The std 211 transducer/gauge will not effectively measure vacuum/negative pressure in my experience.

Still looking into this...

06-19-2003, 10:55
Rats. Well, what I got works, even if it isn't well. I'll wait and you know how to find me. :D

06-19-2003, 20:23
I added pictures of the install. Check out my black box. (http://community.webshots.com/album/77657687YpeeoY) :D
Each trip shows less air. It's strange how the system has to move all the air out and how long it takes. Total from install to tonight, I have not picked up as much air as I would just going to work before. :cool:
You gotta get you one of these! :eek:

06-19-2003, 20:35
Still working on some simplified fittings, and then maybe a relay/OPS harness. Been playing with mine a bit and plan on installing a pump as soon as the first fittings are ready. I was actually supposed to have some more pumps here when I got back, but the order was lost.

I did run 3300 miles (12 k total on filter element now) w/o any bleeding/air issues, but it is looking to me like the system is subjected to a lot of suction vacuum, and a lift pump is in order...

06-20-2003, 04:45
Nice Job, great pictures... I like the Box!

06-20-2003, 07:05
JK, when you get a complete package together let me know. I leave for three weeks on 6/27. Return home for four days and then leave for four weeks. I don't really have time to order stuff in parts because no one is ever home for the deliveries.Thanks Dave

06-20-2003, 08:34
I am almost disappointed that Mac didn't have a snappy comeback for me. redface.gif

Check out the other thread from jpblock (http://forum.thedieselpage.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=3;t=006061) where I tell about my 4 year old bouncing my DMAX off the rev limiter. :eek: I was so tired, I forgot to put it here last night when I posted my new pics.

No air today from the drive in. Soon the air trap comes off and I move the gauge to the Mega. It will be interesting to see the different pressure/vacuum when I change the location.

06-20-2003, 09:19
So now you have 3 filters and no air?
You should be getting about 25mpg now ;)
For those of us who aren't Mega filtered yet, wouldn't it make more sense to go pre-oem? As in Mega filter -> Lift Pump -> OEM filter ->....
Would have to change the Mega filter more often, but what's the difference in that and having to change 3 filters?

BTW, it's good to see that your daughter knows what to do with the accelerator :D

06-20-2003, 10:28
Yep, 3 filters. I must have the cleanest fuel in town. I don't think my mileage will be quite that good. This tank should be low since I dumped quite a bit on myself during the install. redface.gif I had a small coffee can to catch the fuel from the hose, but it filled it and overflowed in no time. I think I had a siphon going on the tank. :eek: I'm glad I have a creeper so I didn't have to lay in it for the next 5 hours, that is if you don't count what went down my arms. I hope to stop smelling fuel sometime in the next month or so with it on me, the truck, etc. etc. etc. :rolleyes:

As far as the change frequency, I am going to monitor restriction with the pump off. I am hoping to get 15K from the 30 micron Pre and the OEM and just let the Mega play like the Energizer Bunny. You know, it keeps going and going and going. tongue.gif I like the idea of taking measurements as opposed to a set mileage. My father-in-law changed his fuel filter for the first time at 30K, but he fuels out of the company tank most of the time. I wouldn't try it without a gauge.

From a filter effeciency standpoint, what I have is the best order. 30 to 10 (Estimate based on fuel samples) to 1 is the best for actually getting the most particles and extending the filter life. It will also help me if I get a bad load of fuel. Each filter in line costs a little more than the one before. The difference between 2 and 3 is $15 bucks and it is BY FAR the easiest of the 3 to get to and change. You twist the ring a quarter turn, pull it off and pull down on the filter, slide a new one one, reinstall the ring and be gone. I will probably just let my mega catch that air and bleed it out later using the lift pump. :D

06-20-2003, 10:33
Originally posted by DalDMax:
BTW, it's good to see that your daughter knows what to do with the accelerator :D She will put me in an early grave. Cute like her mother and no fear. I'm doomed. :( To top it off, she is being raised by Aggie rednecks. :eek: :D tongue.gif

06-20-2003, 10:44
I kinda like the idea of having the filters as close to the hp pump as possible. If a lift pump is used, it should push the fuel through the filters thereby eliminating any FOD (foreign object damage) possibility from the pump failing or dirt along the way.

06-20-2003, 18:51
Chris I know what you mean.
When I cut the lines I probably had a gallon spill on the inside of the frame rails and then run out the little holes in the bottom.
I didn't expect the siphon action either and what a mess I made on the garage floor!
Took me a while to find some hose and cram a bolt in it for a plug.
Mileage suffered a bit on the next tank so I took a Mulligan/Clinton on that one. :D tongue.gif

06-20-2003, 19:52
It will be good to get a proven lift pump design and straight cut install figured out for these trucks. Looks like some of the ambitious members are working on it. Should help not only with addition fuel filters but, I think fuel starvation is gonna be one of the factors limiting the amount of extra hp we can get out of these trucks and a lift pump should cure that. I know my truck has had some starvation type simptoms when pushed. I wouldn't be suprised if Kennedy is close to the hp limit on these things without the use of a lift pump.

06-21-2003, 07:04
I like having a filter before everything else as well. You also get more than one trip through it due to the recirculation.

The design that jpblock and I have done could be a no cut design if you used a QD on the to and from like the General. You could splice in right behind the cooler. There are only 2 bolts that mount it and it goes through existing holes in the frame. You could also cut a single straight section out like abear. I am very happy with mine so far. I need to stop messing with the pressure and move my gauge to a more thermally stabil area. Sitting on top of the engine is fine when it's cold, but hit 95 outside and drive for and hour and you can't touch it. :eek: