View Full Version : Power loss on way home

06-16-2003, 23:44
On the way home from work today, doing about 65 on freeway I thought I felt the truck hesitate and become real sluggish. Kind a felt like it was missing a few times and also felt like I had to apply more throttle then usual to maintain speed. But made it home okay ... about 45 miles later. No leaks, no codes, seems to idle fine, no strange noises. Haven't driven it since ... am I imagining things? Truck has 1900 miles, no juice. Changed oil over the weekend and added Oilguard bypass system but don't see how that could be related.

06-17-2003, 01:07
Have your gas pedal checked. ;)

'03 trucks have a possible problem with not getting full throttle out of the pedal :eek: .

Maybe :confused:


Skinny Blinky
06-19-2003, 15:37
You might need a new Fuel Filter