View Full Version : No more 1-1 1/4 turns on the oil filter

11-26-2002, 04:48
As I was changing my oil and filter last night, I noticed that the filter seemed to tighten up way before the perscribed 1-1 1/4 turns. In fact I thought I had lost something or my tennis elbow was worse than thought. So I looked at the filter again to make sure of what it's supposed to be be tightened to, and they've changed. The old filter said 1-1 1/4 turns. The new one said 1/2 Turn. So keep a watch out for this new sticker.

11-26-2002, 04:50
What brand of filter are you using?

11-26-2002, 06:29
I've been turning my AC PF-2232 filter one full turn after contact for the last couple of changes. Haven't had any leaks and removal hasn't been too bad until the last one. Of course it was in the dark and cold and wallowing around in 40 degree rain on a wet driveway! I thought I was never going to get the old one off. Good thing that I've got a good strong metal-band style filter wrench. The old one was all crunched-up when it finally came off the gasket and engine. I've noticed that the big binding problem is not the filter, but the rubber gasket, which seems to vulcanize to the face of the filter mount and you have to turn the filter can off the gasket which stays behind. This time I put a thin film of neverseez on the gasket instead of oil. I'm hoping that will make removal easier, although I'm planning to go back to my Amsoil dual remote rig at the next change after getting a BMK-17 one-piece adapter to replace that crappy leaking BMK-13 two-piece.

11-26-2002, 07:04
I've always used the genuine GM filter made by Champion. Part no. 97214983.

11-26-2002, 10:38
I changed my oil and filter this weekend (31k miles). The first few oil changes I tightened the filter 1 1/2 turns. I have started backing off to 3/4 to 1 turn. The last oil change, I struggled to get the filter off. I had the same problem as Idle_Chatter, the "O" ring was vulcanized to the face of the filter mount. I do oil the "O" ring before installation. Small issue but kind of a PITA! :D

Oh well, if this is my only complaint...not bad!


11-26-2002, 13:15
I think I'll back off to 3/4 turn as well. When I replaced my filter last weekend, I snapped both steel belts off my oil filter wrench. I ended up driving a large screw driver through it to get it out. What a mess...

This was only my second change. The first one (factory installed filter) was pretty tight, but not like this one.

Captain Mal
11-27-2002, 18:12

I've put about 25 oil filters on my 'Max'. Always take a finger and wipe some old oil on the 'O' ring. Then just one-hand the new filter on with whatever strength is in my old hand.

So far (knock on my wooden head), no stuck filters, leaks and no abnormal removal problems.

'01 GMC D/A ext 4x4 sb using PF2232's

Stage 1
11-28-2002, 17:19
FYI - The new instructions are different as to when to start measuring the tightening. The new instrucions are to tighten an additional 1/2 turn after you can not tighten any more by hand!! The old instruction were 1 1/2 turns after the gasket makes first contact. Both of these methods make removal difficult!

11-30-2002, 07:59
I invested in a small can of Teflon(R)-based Never-Seez(R) to put on filter gaskets, and have not had a removal problem since. I tighten as tight as I can by hand, then add 1/4 to 1/3 turn with the filter wrench to get a bit of compression on the gasket. Then I check it a week later. Had a small leak once that disappeared with another 1/4 turn of the filter wrench.

Disclosure: this is NOT on a DuraMax, but is on the four different spin-on filters on my truck: full flow lube oil, bypass lube oil, external ATF and Racor fuel filters.

Dr. Lee :cool: