View Full Version : I'm so mad I could just ______.

a bear
06-14-2003, 10:42
Finally completed the fuel testing and mods and decided to give the truck the old spit shine. Completed that and went to Walmart to purchase oil and parked out of harmes way. Returned to a truck scraped and dented from the rear bumper to the back door. You guessed it, Hit and run and no witnesses. What makes me more mad is that I will never catch that ___ ____. :mad: :mad: :mad:

06-14-2003, 11:05
If you go back to the Walmart fast and speak with the manager, they can play back the video tapes of the parking lot and just maybe they have it on film. If they do maybe they can get a license plate # and you can nail the guy. You should at the very least call the cops and they can take a copy of the tape as evidence.....there are ways to nail the *******s these days.

Good luck!

a bear
06-14-2003, 11:42
Thanks, I'll try that.

06-14-2003, 13:26
Good Luck Tommy.

a bear
06-14-2003, 14:56
Great idea relating to the security cameras. Called Walmart and they reviewed the 24 Hr tape going off of the time on my reciept. They saw my truck pull in and go out of focus range as I parked at the end of the lane. If I would have parked closer we would have nailed the dirty rat. Then again I probably wouldn't have got hit. :(

06-14-2003, 16:44
Dam that sucks, I feel for you. I know everytime I go to the store I walk out just wondering if anything happened.

06-15-2003, 22:58
Sorry A bear, worth a shot!. Most people don't realize about 75% of everything we do outside our homes is captured on tape somewhere. That percentage is going up fast too!

OK let's keep trying to catch this A..Hole. Did they by any chance leave any of their paint on your truck? I am sure there is lots of your paint on their car! Most people that shop at Walmart live within 20 miles of the store and they return often. On the tape were there any other cars that drove in after you did? Maybe you can at least get a color or model car that we are looking for, allthough I think the Walmart tapes are black and white.

Remember day of the week and time you were at the Walmart, there is a 40% chance the perp will repeat that pattern.

Are there any other stores near the Walmart complex? maybe they ahve a camera that shows all the cars leaving the parking lot 10-15 minutes after you parked your truck. Maybe one of them had front end damage on the side where your truck was hit. Maybe we are working this too hard, but hey I love a mystery

a bear
06-16-2003, 06:29
with the scrapes up high it appears it was probably done with a truck mirror or trailer lights. After further inspection it appears the scrapes have not dented the truck beyond the flare. The flare is completely ruined but can be easily replaced. May have lucked out on this one.

06-16-2003, 07:55
a bear,

I had my two drivers side door skins replaced last year by my own doing if it makes you feel any better.

As long as you get a quality body shop do the work, just get it done and put it behind you.

06-16-2003, 08:51
My insurance would consider that a vehicular accident and covered under collision wich would require me to pay a deductable. If I had a ex that got tweaked at me and rammed my truck thats not considered vandalism(wich I have no deductable for) but if she hit it with a bat thats then vandalism??? :confused:

Dont ask me what they are thinking, I think a hit and run is vandalism :confused:

You might be carfull then how you describe how damages were caused ;) Maybe some kid scraped your truck with a shopping cart or whacked it with a hammer??? They gota prove you wrong IMO. Dont know how you company is about things.

I am a very honest person but I make exceptions for certian groups that I dont fell bad about bending the truth or screwing since I dont really consider them human beings. Insc. cos are on my short list.

None of you guys sell insurance do you tongue.gif ;) :D

06-16-2003, 11:08
a bear, Sorry about your misfortune. I think it was decent that Wal-Mart reviewed their tapes for you, I don't think many would take the time since it didn't involve them.

06-16-2003, 15:46
Most companies will let you review the tapes or they will do it for you when a crime has been committed on their property. In some cases the local Police Dept. might have to make the request in cases of a more serious crime like kidnapping or robbery etc. I hope "a bear" did file the police report as his insurance will most likely require it.

And RatLover, I sure hope you are named after a rat motor or something, hard to imagine anything else LOL ha ha ha

You are entitled to your opinion on your least favorite people on this planet. Some hate lawyers and others hate doctors and then there are insurance people and let's not forget our favorite group the dealers! But for everyone that we hate or have had a bad experience with there are others who are honest and hardworking and who actually try to help out their fellow man.

You just have to find them and the best way is word of mouth, so when one of these types helps you out by winning the case, or saves your life in a medical emergency or settles the claim to your satisfaction or actually fixes your car under warranty when it could have gone either way....let everyone know so we don't get burned by the bad guys!

best regards,

06-17-2003, 03:47
Hit run plain out sucks !!!!! We pay high insurance premiums because of clowns like this .....
I'm not proud of this but it had to be done ..... I once cheesed on a LIL OLE Lady once ...... :(

I prolly wouldn't of but;

I was parked in a Blockbuster/CVS parking lot ... Here comes Grandma out of CVS .... Parked, head in cars left and right, front back, she was squeezed in pretty good ....

I was wondering if she was one of those "Back and Bump " senior drivers .... She proceeds to back out, but not enough to leave distance between her car and the one to her immediate left ..... Yup, pulls forward, bang right into the Pickup .... :eek:

No real damage I can see, yet !!! She backs away from rocking truck, marginally enough ..... :eek:

Sure enough pulls forward, cuts the wheel slightly, gives the Pickup another blast, hard enough to leave pieces of HER grill on the pavement .... Definite damage to the Pickup now ....

She drives off, finally clear of the super sonic magnet ......

Man I felt bad calling the Cops and reporting her plate .