View Full Version : Predator shifting

06-09-2003, 16:46
I have my predator set on 60hp have about 55miles on it there.The 1-2 shift is quick,& it seems lazy.This is normal driving.When you hustle it there is a definate lag between shifts.Is this defueling?I saw here that the allison has to learn the program,how long does that take?Any one else have this happen?

I also added a 4" exhaust at the same time if that makes a difference.

06-09-2003, 16:57
Run it on' up to 100. :D Let it shift for a day and then put it backdown to 60 HP. The Allison seems to "learn" the HP and TQ of the 100 a little quicker. I think the trans "backs down" a little quicker than it goes up. :rolleyes: That worked for me. ;)
BTW-> Get an EGT guage if you even think about running it hard for more than 1 minute or with a load. ;)

Burner-----> :D

06-09-2003, 18:23
Thats my deal now,I'm waiting for my guages to get here.I had it on 100 the 1st night I downloaded it,then got paranoid about the egt.At least I know its something that should go away. Thanks

06-09-2003, 20:00
I’m also having shift problems with Predator
V-1.04 it shifts very Lazy, even at part throttle just idling through town I left it in the 65-HP Setting all week and it never got any better, I called Tech Support for Help But ......... no help so far!! So for the time being I’m running it in the (0) zero HP setting, I just cant stand the way it shifts in all the other Horsepower settings. :confused:

06-09-2003, 20:20
When you say lazy .....

Do you mean a pause, then shift like a standard ??


It hangs "in" the shift (gear exchange) to long ??

Mac :confused:

06-09-2003, 20:51

Thats what mine feels like,standard shift if you weren't very good at shifting.Is everyone having this problem or is it just the 1.04 version?

06-09-2003, 20:54

Thats what mine feels like,standard shift if you weren't very good at shifting.Is everyone having this problem or is it just the 1.04 version?Hope it gets better 'cause this ain't gonna'get it.

06-09-2003, 21:22
Well, I have good news and bad news for ya .....

Welcome to the world of electronically controlled transmission .....=>Allison (http://www.gmtcny.com/allison_lct_1000.htm)

Good news they all do it, so you are not alone ..... This is a characteristic of the "Working with the tranny" NOT the HP TQ enhancer (Predator).....

It defuels in between shifts to preserve the life of your tranny .....Unless you want to upgrade your tranny to minimize you will have to get use to it .... In all reality it is a good thing ,with a stock tranny ....

As your tranny learns it will lesson slightly, but still defuel .... It will vary between shifts ..... The two three exchange always seems to be the longest ....

Under certain throttle position you may get an abrupt quick harsh exchange in higher HP levels..... If you are going to change the parameters of your truck you may have to get use to a few quirks,while enjoying the extra get up and go ..... But the positives out way the negatives in my view .... Have a blast ,enjoy .....


06-10-2003, 10:39
Bulleye54, I had the same problem, initially w/ v1.03. The shifts on the 100hp setting were awful. When I got v1.04, it seemed to be a little better. Now, after a couple of months, it is hardly noticeable. Partly, because I have gotten used to it and adjusted my driving a little, and partly because the tranny has been "re-trained". The tranny definately has a learning curve, and the longer you run it, the better it will get. I ran mine in the 100hp setting for about 250 miles, but just driving back & forth to work. No romping on it hard (took a lot of restraint :D ), just some quick burst when passing, etc., to let the tranny adjust. This seems to have made a world of difference in all settings. I normally run in 60 or 85 setting for everyday driving, and it shifts nicely. Try this to let your ally adjust to the new hp & tq, and I think you will like the results. Good Luck, DinoMax

06-10-2003, 17:50

06-10-2003, 17:58
I don’t under stand why it has to slide into the next gear at part throttle or just idling through town?, I can understand why at full throttle, I just wish Predator would leave the transmission alone!! and it’s even worse in tow-haul :rolleyes:

06-10-2003, 18:45
Originally posted by D-MAX:
I don’t under stand why it has to slide into the next gear at part throttle or just idling through town?, I can understand why at full throttle, I just wish Predator would leave the transmission alone!! and it’s even worse in tow-haul :rolleyes: The tranny is learning it will get better ..... I ran "all" levels of Predator on my truck for the first time this evening shifts are very tame compared to others .....

It is hard to resist but drive around in each level for a week starting with 40 HP .... Drive it somewhat aggressive to normal .... Just some advice ....


06-10-2003, 19:38
Thanks....... I'll try and drive it in the 100hp setting :D ......... In July I'm driving the D/A to Atlanta,Jacksonville,New Orleans,Houston,Denver,and back to Sheridan Wyo
That should be long enough for the trans to settle down, I hope ;)
Thanks for your help.

[ 06-10-2003, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: D-MAX ]

06-11-2003, 06:56
I talked to Nick at Diablo yesterday,& he told me it may take 200 to 500 mi to improve.I described mine to him & he thought it sounded pretty severe.He told me to take it out somewhere with no traffic & run it up in 4th then back off let it come down until just before it downshifts,(which was about 50mph in mine), & to pull it down into 1st gear & let it down shift on its own with no throttle.When it's in 1st gear,stop, put it in park & turn off ignition.Then start over.I did this 5-6 times yesterday & by last night it was a lot better.He also useing 85 or 100 would help too,I used 85.It wasn't easy yankin' it into 1st that 1st time,but it just downshifts at a higher rpm,a little higher than t/h.Worth a try. Does this happen with the Juice?

06-11-2003, 08:23
Does this happen with the Juice?
I've been running my Hot Juice for about 2 weeks and had similar quirky shifting. Most of it seems to be a result of my experimenting with different levels. I've stuck with L2 normal, L3 t/h, at least for this week. Driving the majority of time in L3 t/h everything has really smoothed out nice. The long shift lag has shortened significantly. When cold the 1-2 shift, L3 t/h is fairly hard on light throttle, but if I start cold in normal (L2) and change to t/h (L3) when things warm up, everything seems to work fine. Next week...L4

06-11-2003, 09:48
Originally posted by Bullseye54:
I talked to Nick at Diablo yesterday,& he told me it may take 200 to 500 mi to improve.I described mine to him & he thought it sounded pretty severe.He told me to take it out somewhere with no traffic & run it up in 4th then back off let it come down until just before it downshifts,(which was about 50mph in mine), & to pull it down into 1st gear & let it down shift on its own with no throttle.When it's in 1st gear,stop, put it in park & turn off ignition.Then start over.I did this 5-6 times yesterday & by last night it was a lot better.He also useing 85 or 100 would help too,I used 85.It wasn't easy yankin' it into 1st that 1st time,but it just downshifts at a higher rpm,a little higher than t/h.Worth a try. Does this happen with the Juice? Not what you want to hear but that is a Allison myth .....

Time ..... Time is the essences ....

Time is what I got today , work is sloooooow .....


No => http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smokin.gif

DMAX Daddy
06-11-2003, 14:16
Ill let you know about the shifting soon, my Predator is on the way from JK!

Predator for now, Juice with Controller later this year.

Probably stack the 40HP Predator with whichever Juice I decide to get. Of course, if the Predator comes out with something better than 100HP....

06-11-2003, 14:35
Received my Predator from JK on Monday.

I'm experiencing essentially the same shifting issues noted above, but only have about 180 miles running on the 100HP setting. Most of these miles are freeway miles without much shifting. Hopefully shifting will improve soon.


06-11-2003, 16:09
Here's the Predator in real life case some of you guys haven't seen one ....I was out snapping some Pics thought I'd take one ....

Kinda cool lookin => Predator (http://www.pbase.com/image/17720744)

Would be nice if they offered a Soft padded case,even for an extra couple two three bucks .....

06-11-2003, 19:27
another slow day ?........... :D dave

06-11-2003, 19:56
Originally posted by sdaver:
another slow day ?........... :D dave Yessir'rebob .....


06-11-2003, 20:48
I was just sittin' on this sack of seeds a thinkin',does everyone carry their Predator with them to download the stock settings in case everything turns to ca ca & it has to be towed to dealer or wherever? I've had a slow day today myself.

06-11-2003, 21:13
WHARE did you get your back mud flaps? I want some. In GMC though.

06-12-2003, 04:39
Originally posted by DURAMONSTER:
WHARE did you get your back mud flaps? I want some. In GMC though. http://mikoga.image.pbase.com/u29/mackin/small/17720688.P1010013.jpg

I got mine from => shoot me an E-mail .....

Also there is a acc. catalog for GMC floating around somewhere on the net ....

The online GM parts sellers aka gmpartsdirect sells them .....

But shoot me an e-mail 80 bucks front and back, although I didn't put my front ones on yet .... Maybe you can get the same deal ....

Mac ;)

[ 06-12-2003, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: mackin ]