View Full Version : Question about hot juice - is tow mode better?

06-08-2003, 18:17
It seems to me the hot juice set at level 4 would have a greater chance of slipping the Allison when it's in tow/haul mode because of the converter lock-up in 2,3,4 and 5th gear. In "normal" mode the converter is only locked up in 5th, so wouldn't the "looser" converter absorb more power and be easier on internal clutches?

The people who have the hot juice, what do you prefer to use (normal or tow/haul mode) when using level 4, or level 3 for that matter?

Is there a performance advantage between the 2 modes?

I did a search on a few things, but didn't find much about this subject.

06-08-2003, 19:58
I try to keep the power levels set the same on both , this way the learning mode will not back off on its holding of the clutches...... and I dont go from level 1 to 4 all in the same week... if i change it its slow to power back up! mostly running level 3 for both.

06-08-2003, 20:59
I've had my hot juice for a week now and have been running mostly L2 normal & L1 tow/haul. I had planned on leaving tow/haul at L1 for towing and keeping the tires in touch with the pavement when it rains. I've run L3/L4 several times in normal and had no slippage, just a trailing smoke screen.

If it's best to keep both levels the same, doesn't that sort of defeat the advantage of using a juice box?

06-09-2003, 04:37
I personally prefer tow haul mode ..... Most don't like the more aggressive shifting,braking,but I feel it's quicker ....With stop light to stop light driving less heat is also developed do to less spinning of the TC ....There is only ONE level for me .....

Mac http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smokin.gif