View Full Version : Glad I took your advice!

08-16-2005, 19:00
I installed a Stanadyne 5u pre filter last fall per everyone's suggestion. I just changed both filters @10,500 miles. I cut them open and found just what I wanted. The pre filter was completely black with a few rust spots starting. The factory filter was very clean. Just a small band of brown around the end and no rust.
I think the combination probably caught most everything before it hit the injectors. Whew!

By the way, I seem to be a rebel by selecting the stanadyne setup but I am releived now. The modular setup cost a third of the others and is a piece of cake to change. I don't need any tools to change filters and it has a bleeder valve to prime by gravity. It also has a clear water separator that is easy to drain.

Thanks to all.

08-19-2005, 19:20
I was shown the Stanadyne system at a local diesel shop in Phoenix and was impressed. Can you provide details on model numbers etc... Any pictures would be very cool.

08-20-2005, 05:08
Several folks have documented Stanadyne FM100 installs on their Dmax

08-21-2005, 18:16
jbplock has the web address for pictures and options. As I recall, they suggested dealers by area code to install their products. It looked too expensive so I searched and ended up beleive it or not at Napa online. They are the fm100 components and filters with napa part numbers. The prices were about 1/3 of what I saw online.
If you want Pics of my install, you can e-mail me. richertdave@msn.com