08-06-2005, 17:17


08-07-2005, 05:20
While it would be helpful to know which engine, Iwill say the Edge Juice has ben about the best response/towing unit out there for both Dmax engines. Just hard to beat!

08-07-2005, 06:30

08-07-2005, 07:15
Originally posted by kennedy:
While it would be helpful to know which engine, Iwill say the Edge Juice has ben about the best response/towing unit out there for both Dmax engines. Just hard to beat! WITH YOUR EXPERIENCE, IF I WERE TO GO WITH AN EXTREME CHIP SUCH AS THE EDGE WITH MONITOR WHAT WILL HAPPEN WITH THE GM WARRANTY?

08-07-2005, 13:46
I too have a 2005 6.6L LLY with the Allison Transmission. Do you know anything about the Banks Six Gun, the new PDA function looks promising. I have heard from others that the Edge Juice with the Attitude 2 is the best solution. Could you advise?

08-07-2005, 19:08
I would try and go with a superchips programer. You can set it back to stock when you need to take to the dealer for repairs or maint. I have seen many vehicle with a lot of mods go against others with only a tuner. The tuner is faster in a lot of cases on only costs a fraction. Superchips also offers a trans tune all in one package. Edge (not new version) does not have trans tune. This is just extra ins. to protect your investment. (Just my opinion) smile.gif

More Power
08-08-2005, 07:12
The current best choice (IMO) is to have both a switch-selectable module and a programmer. I have quite a bit of experience with the VanAaken and the Edge/Attitude, and I appreciate the ability of a programmer to read codes, calibrate the speedo and look at real-time engine data.

Banks produces a good product, but is a little more expensive than the others. Some owners prefer the brand recognition Banks offers.


08-08-2005, 10:46
Those who know me know that I tend to be a little opinionated. ;) The Hypertech dyno plot in my gallery should speak for itself. They are bottom of the barrel in my opinion. Superchips is so-so, and I'd highly doubt that there is a trans tune that has any real effect. Banks 6 gun was said to be all that and then some while safe EGT's etc. The first edition 6 Gun that I ran on my LB7 (I regret tapping the TCM wires now) was one of the worst performing units that I have seen for this engine. I kept it as is for future amusement. The only thing worse is the Hypertech LLY level 1 (less than stock) and Hypertech LLY level 3 at heavy pedal (LOUD timing knock)

In fairness to Banks, they have come a long way, with their current releases, but they made claims of big power that did not come through. The "stacked for power" Banks was just about on par with a standard Edge Juice.

Van Aaken for LLY is a nice box, but the high power is past the stock Allison's ability making it a one level box.

I don't really think that anybody has a truly good handle on the LLY yet. At least not enough to say thet they have the best unit and it will not be revised. I've been working directly with Diablo on the LLY Predator and it's really loking nice so far!

I have quite a few LLY dyno plots on my site. Hoping to post Predator soon also...

08-08-2005, 13:53
Originally posted by More Power:
The current best choice (IMO) is to have both a switch-selectable module and a programmer. I have quite a bit of experience with the VanAaken and the Edge/Attitude, and I appreciate the ability of a programmer to read codes, calibrate the speedo and look at real-time engine data.

Banks produces a good product, but is a little more expensive than the others. Some owners prefer the brand recognition Banks offers.


08-08-2005, 18:16
the Edge is a tough box to beat. I have had a couple problems w/ their LLY boxes but one call and the problem was swiftly resolved.

As far as Banks goes, I wouldn't put one on my worst enemies truck if he begged me too. I've dynoed several trucks ( LB7s and maybe even a PSD) before and after a Banks system was put on (not by me!). I broke into laughter and the owners into tears. After several calls to Banks who Guarantee their results, I was given the " you don't know what your doing and the claimed gains were under optimum conditions w/ all recommended modifcations" line and gave up. If I offended anyone,,,sorry, just my 2 cents. Also like JK said, everybodies still kinda touch and go on the LLYs and I personally haven't messed w/ any other LLY box or programmer enough to give advice on, but I haven't been impressed by the superchips or hypertech programmers either.

08-09-2005, 19:25
Originally posted by madmatt:
the Edge is a tough box to beat. I have had a couple problems w/ their LLY boxes but one call and the problem was swiftly resolved.

As far as Banks goes, I wouldn't put one on my worst enemies truck if he begged me too. I've dynoed several trucks ( LB7s and maybe even a PSD) before and after a Banks system was put on (not by me!). I broke into laughter and the owners into tears. After several calls to Banks who Guarantee their results, I was given the " you don't know what your doing and the claimed gains were under optimum conditions w/ all recommended modifcations" line and gave up. If I offended anyone,,,sorry, just my 2 cents. Also like JK said, everybodies still kinda touch and go on the LLYs and I personally haven't messed w/ any other LLY box or programmer enough to give advice on, but I haven't been impressed by the superchips or hypertech programmers either. Thats helpful thank you... Those were the two that were in my budget. I had a superchips in my 2001 ford F250 7.3 and was happy. But had nothing to compair it to except stock. How long do you think I should waite until I pursue an upgrade in power with the LLY?

08-10-2005, 00:08
To Redtruck05: You mentioned your budget as being a guide on performance. I guess comming from the old school, "You get what you paid for" is true most times. I believe in learning from others mistakes. John Kennedy has never steered me wrong in all the years I've known him. I'm holding off until I see some good technical data that is dyno, and field tested for my LLY. ;)
This is just my own opinion and don't mean to offend anyone. smile.gif

08-10-2005, 11:00
Originally posted by tanker:
To Redtruck05: You mentioned your budget as being a guide on performance. I guess comming from the old school, "You get what you paid for" is true most times. I believe in learning from others mistakes. John Kennedy has never steered me wrong in all the years I've known him. I'm holding off until I see some good technical data that is dyno, and field tested for my LLY. ;)
This is just my own opinion and don't mean to offend anyone. smile.gif My father in law really likes John also. I really like the input he gives and was going to ask him some more on this issue... thank for the input!

08-10-2005, 19:30
How long do you think I should waite until I pursue an upgrade in power with the LLY? Id give it a couple of oil changes just to shake it down a little. Don't know high your dealer feels about boxes, but that could keep you from having to install and remove if you have any imediate concerns.

08-12-2005, 13:16
Originally posted by kennedy:
Those who know me know that I tend to be a little opinionated. ;) The Hypertech dyno plot in my gallery should speak for itself. They are bottom of the barrel in my opinion. Superchips is so-so, and I'd highly doubt that there is a trans tune that has any real effect. Banks 6 gun was said to be all that and then some while safe EGT's etc. The first edition 6 Gun that I ran on my LB7 (I regret tapping the TCM wires now) was one of the worst performing units that I have seen for this engine. I kept it as is for future amusement. The only thing worse is the Hypertech LLY level 1 (less than stock) and Hypertech LLY level 3 at heavy pedal (LOUD timing knock)

In fairness to Banks, they have come a long way, with their current releases, but they made claims of big power that did not come through. The "stacked for power" Banks was just about on par with a standard Edge Juice.

Van Aaken for LLY is a nice box, but the high power is past the stock Allison's ability making it a one level box.

I don't really think that anybody has a truly good handle on the LLY yet. At least not enough to say thet they have the best unit and it will not be revised. I've been working directly with Diablo on the LLY Predator and it's really loking nice so far!

I have quite a few LLY dyno plots on my site. Hoping to post Predator soon also... Let me start by saying I enjoy your postings and input. Your name seems to be well known and respected. My father in law swears by your postings and that in its self is enough ( Why? he is a perfectionist) You say your working with diablo with their programming. How does their chip change the tranny settings? When do you think there will be a program for the LLY?

08-13-2005, 04:57
Nobody directly affects the transmission that I am aware of. Some mfrs issue blanket statements for aparticular product line, but they typically do not apply to the Allison.

Diablo's tuner has seen a lot of "smoothing" on the fueling, quiet timing and more. Testing has only been done in very warm weather so far, and we are looking to make sure that things stay happy when it cools down as well.

08-13-2005, 10:54
Originally posted by kennedy:
Nobody directly affects the transmission that I am aware of. Some mfrs issue blanket statements for aparticular product line, but they typically do not apply to the Allison.

Diablo's tuner has seen a lot of "smoothing" on the fueling, quiet timing and more. Testing has only been done in very warm weather so far, and we are looking to make sure that things stay happy when it cools down as well. When I owned my ford, I owned a Superchips programmer. I called to talk to one of there service techs. I wanted to know what and how they changed. He said it changed 21 differnt aspects, of which tranny line pressure was one of them. He said it was to get rid of typical slipping from the ford tranny and harder shift points. from your responce can I assume the Diablo does not work that way?

08-14-2005, 14:42
I will NEVER own a programer for a truck / car that is under warrenty! The Edge box is so easy to remove, it can be done in 10 mins even with the EGT probe screwed in the pass side exhaust manifold! ASK how many users have had there down loader get stuck on a up load and have to take it into a dealer for a reflash!!!! Even Morepower had it happen to him..... juice just flat out works with 100% stock trucks ,towing , empty. it may not be the fastest or claim the most power but with a stock trans you really can only hold 70~80 extra HP, the 90 hp setting on juice will defuel at times on my truck so I just dont use it. for what its worth I had a 2001 LB7 truck with juice and I was a beta tester for edge on the LLY project. 59K on the lly truck 55K of that with juice under the hood! more then 15,000 miles of towing juiced on this truck. :eek:

08-15-2005, 04:55
Originally posted by REDTRUCK05:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by kennedy:
Nobody directly affects the transmission that I am aware of. Some mfrs issue blanket statements for aparticular product line, but they typically do not apply to the Allison.

Diablo's tuner has seen a lot of "smoothing" on the fueling, quiet timing and more. Testing has only been done in very warm weather so far, and we are looking to make sure that things stay happy when it cools down as well. When I owned my ford, I owned a Superchips programmer. I called to talk to one of there service techs. I wanted to know what and how they changed. He said it changed 21 differnt aspects, of which tranny line pressure was one of them. He said it was to get rid of typical slipping from the ford tranny and harder shift points. from your responce can I assume the Diablo does not work that way? </font>[/QUOTE]Neither does Superchips or ANY other tuner out there. This is a "blanket" statement pertaining to what the tuners typically do to the programming. Some have been honest enough to put in footnotes and disclosures stating that Allison is the exception.

09-10-2005, 19:21
I installed the Edge Juice W/Attitude this weekend. What a great product.Took about 45 min from start to down the road. Most of that was reading instructions. Tranny has not caught up with the power yet. Should I have it defuel all the time, just between 4 and 5 or not at all? it says not to tow at level3 but the Diablo Predators 65 hp setting says up to 8000lbs? John was giving out good info when he recommended this product.

Tough Guy
09-11-2005, 21:28
The PSD ECM operates both the engine and transmission functions...

The Dmax utilizes a TCM and an ECM...

Glad you like your new found power!!


09-16-2005, 19:24
I have had the Juice in for about 200 miles now on level 3. The Tranny still feels like it cant handle the power. It is pretty good in 1st, less in second and when it hits third it sounds sick. Any ideas?

09-25-2005, 18:15
Originally posted by REDTRUCK05:
I have had the Juice in for about 200 miles now on level 3. The Tranny still feels like it cant handle the power. It is pretty good in 1st, less in second and when it hits third it sounds sick. Any ideas? Come on guys whats up? Am I the only one? Does the our tranny seem confused compaired to others? Good bad or whatever. Maybe it is just different?

09-26-2005, 03:17
I'd like to hear the answer to the question about warranty and these aftermarket programmers. Other than the one statemet about folks needing to reflash the ECU when they get stuck on an upload, no one has said anything about warranty.

I assume that the dealer won't honor anything if they find out one has been used, but if you remove it for warranty service is there any memory function on the factory ECU that can be read later? I can't believe GM isn't aware of these aftermarket programmers and hasn't covered themselves somehow.

09-26-2005, 08:15
I have a Hypertech installed on my 02 Max. It was tested on TV two years ago and gave 100HP to the rear wheels on the highest setting, race. I bought one and it is wonderful. When I am towing my fifth. It islike a jet. No problems at the dealership I just take the program off about two Min. I had an injector prob. at 75000 MI but it was covered under the warrantly.Charlie

09-27-2005, 04:18
Originally posted by PDoane:
I'd like to hear the answer to the question about warranty and these aftermarket programmers. Other than the one statemet about folks needing to reflash the ECU when they get stuck on an upload, no one has said anything about warranty.

I assume that the dealer won't honor anything if they find out one has been used, but if you remove it for warranty service is there any memory function on the factory ECU that can be read later? I can't believe GM isn't aware of these aftermarket programmers and hasn't covered themselves somehow. A module can be simply unplugged and removed without leaving any evidence (unless you use the velcro :rolleyes: ) behind.

A tuner will restore the unmolested factory tune without alteration. The only thing that may be detectable (and I doubt this can be done at dealer technician level) I am told, is that the ECM will note the "last written to" date. There will be no indication of who, and the odds of someone digging into this are slim.

09-28-2005, 03:14
Thanks for the input.

Was Mark45678's only objection to adding one to a vehicle still under warranty the reflash issue

09-29-2005, 19:56
I've tried several Juice boxes and all were crap in my book. Two different trucks and The Juice acted up on both of them. Leaving both trucks engines missing, skipping, and bucking with The Juice installed. They ran fine with The Juice uninstalled.

09-30-2005, 10:29
Yes, occasionally you will find trucks/owners that don't get along well with the Edge unit, but by and large, the product works extremely well.

10-05-2005, 06:05
but by and large, the product works extremely well.I have nothing good to say about The Edge products. Some might love what they sell but I've had nothing but headaches with their products.

10-05-2005, 07:29
I have been very happy with my Edge Juice. No problems at all! I only use level 1 + 2. Level 3 makes me worry about the transmission.

2004 2500HD LT CC 4X4

10-10-2005, 14:52
The Edge is a nice product but I feel that the van Aaken is a little better.

Van Aaken for LLY is a nice box, but the high power is past the stock Allison's ability making it a one level box.
As far as the high power being to much you can get it in 4 different configurations 50/70 HP, 70/110 HP, 70/150 HP, 90/150 HP and they have transmission slip protection built in. Just my opinion.

10-10-2005, 19:50
Originally posted by sljolley:
The Edge is a nice product but I feel that the van Aaken is a little better.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />
Van Aaken for LLY is a nice box, but the high power is past the stock Allison's ability making it a one level box.
As far as the high power being to much you can get it in 4 different configurations 50/70 HP, 70/110 HP, 70/150 HP, 90/150 HP and they have transmission slip protection built in. Just my opinion. </font>[/QUOTE]Sorry, not the LLY. 70/130 only last I heard. I towed briefly with the VA coming back from the DP Pull Off (where I ran the Edge) in both levels, and felt that the Edge (typically used in levels 3 and 4) was much more responsive to moderate pedal inputs yielding much better TQ response.