View Full Version : Injector pump failure

07-30-2005, 05:54
I was pulling my 5th wheel up a grade, and when I laid on the throttle the whole thing practically shut down on me. I couldn't go more then 20mph, and barely made it to the summit. The check engine light came on and I pulled over. Upon a restart, the truck ran fine again. The first dealer read the error code as a fuel problem, so they replaced the filter and chocked it up to bad gas. On my way home it happened again, so after a stressful drive home I returned to my local dealer. They diagnosed the problem as a faulty injector pump, which they replaced under warranty. I am about to drive to Sturgis, and am a little concerned about their diagnosis. The last thing I need is for that to happen on a grade. Has anybody had or heard of this problem? Any input will be appreciated. Thanks, Jim

07-30-2005, 09:15
Without more info, I can't say the dealer did right or not. Try reproducing the conditions that caused it the first time. If it doesn't happen again, it's fixed.

The "shut down" you experienced is Limp Mode, or Limp Home Mode. This will happen anytime the PCM detects a failure that could damage the powertrain. Tranny slippage will do this, too.

07-31-2005, 06:00
Dura...I recently went thru similiar ordeal. I could not haul a compact tractor with my truck. It did the same thing, it would shut down. I took it in and GM changed the injectors. That didn't help. I took it back in and they contacted tech support and decided it was the injection pump. They replaced that and it runs like a new truck.

Kelly T
07-31-2005, 16:47
"I am about to drive to Sturgis"

You should ride then. Most bikes are meant to be ridden, not trailered...
