View Full Version : Soft Brakes

Calvin 60
03-07-2004, 05:01
I read that the ABS is causing the soft or weak braking on the C/K trucks. The suggestion was to pull the 60 amp fuse. I have done this and the ABS light stays on now but the braking seems to operate much better than before. I am wondering if there is any problem with leaving this fuse out other than the loss of the ABS function.

patrick m.
03-07-2004, 07:33
no problem at all, untill that time when you "cram" the brakes and wish the ABS was active :(

03-08-2004, 19:11
It's not uncommon for people to disable ABS function on these and other vehicles, esp in icy conditions.
I read, i think in a Haynes brake book, that pro drivers can stop better in manual than ABS mode. But if the entire system is in good shape, there are conditions when the ABS is superior.
The master cylinder, hydroboost, powersteering pump, ABS unit, brake lines, and wheel/tire gear are all involved.
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