View Full Version : Stacking Predator with Hot Juice

09-17-2003, 12:13
who is staking hot juice with the predator? What cobination of settings? Are you running a custom setting on the predator to stack? Fill me in PLEASE. Dyno day in Dallas is on the 25th of October. I need to get ready. I have not stacked the two as of yet. I have only used the predator to change tire size only.

king D
09-17-2003, 12:21
go back and search on the connecticut dyno days a few months back.those guys posted results of stacking those two,seems after the 40 hp pred the egts didnt warrant the extra hps...jess

09-17-2003, 12:25
You should consider getting your Predator upgraded to the newest revision before the dyno event, so you can have the newest power levels (0, 40, 65, 85, 120) for the Predator. This way you can compare between the two, and the two together.
