View Full Version : inj. pump replacement time?

08-15-2002, 14:03
Well the dealer is having to replace my inj.pump because of the lopey idle issue,my question is,how long does it take to replace the pump on the duramax? The tech said they where on it as we where speaking and it should be ready tommrrow. I'm going out of town tommorrow and wanted my truck back for the trip,this 1/2 ton single cab 2WD is just not for me(it does have the 5.3L though) ;)

08-15-2002, 15:30
Hey pullinpower:

I'm just curious...did your truck have lopey idle only when cold? Was it intermittent, or could you count on it each startup?

Mine's got the lope intermittently when cold, but smoothes out after a few minutes. I'm wondering if I ought to leave well enough alone (the truck runs great otherwise)or have the pump replaced?

Thanks. Oh, and by the way, do you still have that K&N Aircharger for sale?


08-15-2002, 16:13
DMAXDiva,my truck had it always just seemed to get worse as time went on,it started when it was cold only,then I got the updates done and I started to notice it while hot and surging forward with the brakes applied lightly. My mpg's also wasnt what I thought they should be also so I hope the new pump helps this. Yea I still have the airraid system.

[ 08-15-2002: Message edited by: pullinpower ]</p>

08-15-2002, 16:34
Pullinpower---Just a few question? Mine has did that twice on me, that is, It would surge foward with a light brake applied and to stop it I had to apply the brakes hard to stop it. Both times the truck was hot. I have the loopie idle when it is cold but it seems to clear up once it warms up. I have had all the updates. How did your dealer know that your Injector Pump was bad or how did you know it was going bad. My fuel milage isn't all that bad. Average 18 mpg. But the surging foward at a pretty fast clip really has me concerned. What do you think?

08-15-2002, 16:56
ram/tx, I would just take it in and let them hook it up to the tech II and the tech should be able to diagnose it pretty easy. Im wondering if the new model pump is going to help my mpg's at all. Those that have had their pump replaced did you notice any change in power or mpg's?

08-15-2002, 17:00
I have never noticed any lopey-ness in my idle. However a couple of times while easing to a stop usually in a parking lot I've noticed a forward jolt. It's always taken me by suprise and I've never noticed if the rpm went up and caused the surge. It reminded me of driving a truck with a standard shift and waiting until the last second to push the clutch in before the motor dies. Kind of a forward surge and then an abrupt stop. I wasn't sure if it was lash in the drivetrain, or the motor blipping on it's own and my reaction causing the abrupt stop or what. It's only happened a couple of times, when I had just started the truck, but the weather was warm (90+). It only happened in the first 3 weeks so maybe it was the Allison "learning". I'm not too concerned unless it starts happening frequently.

08-15-2002, 19:53
Most of the references here to a failing pump has been a LOPEY idle HOT........Cold lop was addressed with a TSB software update......Mine still lops when cold some are more bothered then others with this do a search here on lopey idle it's been exhausted......I have no immediate plans to update mine as it is only an idle thing......The surge I believe you feel is the Allison dropping into first.....This is an Heavy Duty tranny and one most expect some harshness.....
Some Allison info=&gt;http://www.gmtcny.com/allison_lct_1000.htm


Have you or do you want or got all the updated software reflash done? I choose to not par take in the reflash but some issues like the lop may be corrected if you want not sure if I ever will......Run your VIN here=&gt;http://calid.gm.com/vci/ see if you have the updates.....


[ 08-15-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

08-16-2002, 06:08
Hope my truck is ready today,does anyone know how long it takes to replace the pump?

08-16-2002, 06:19

...you've got mail....

08-16-2002, 06:42
Mackin---I took my truck in for the updates about a month ago, but when I got it back I could tell no difference. I ran my VIN number today and it still says I need that update. The surge thing happen once when I was pulling up to a stop sign and the other time it happen was when I was parking and put it in reverse and backed up and then in forward and it just seemed to take off without me pressing on the fuel peddle. Maybe it is just the Allison taking off in gear. I am still wonder if I have the updated Air Box. Anyone got pictures of the Old Air Box verse the updated one?

08-16-2002, 11:03

It took my service dept. all afternoon to tear down to the pump, re-and-re and build back up. They had the truck for a full eight hour day, incl. oil, filters, fluffing, folding etc...

Haven't had an ounce of trouble with the new pump and I'm sure you won't, either. It'll feel like a whole new truck !!!

08-16-2002, 14:50
I need some more info on the "hot lopey idle" Mine is more of an "idle flare" where it sounds like someone is tapping the accelerator pedal - it usually is worst when the truck is hot - is this pump-related?? Could this also be what is causing my truck to hesitate from time to time and set off the SES light?? The code from the SES light says it is a "massive fuel leak" - is this all pump related??? How much for a new pump?? My warranty was over and done with a while ago?! :confused:

08-16-2002, 14:53
Doesn't the 100,000 mi warranty on the Dmax cover the pump? Do you already have 100,000?

D-max Man
08-16-2002, 15:56

If the tech has replaced one before, he should be able to do it in 4-5 hours but if he is a newbe (to this engine) it could take all day.

It is a pressure pump only (not an injection pump) the injection on this engine is fully electronically controlled.

08-16-2002, 17:13
For those of you that have the jumping when coming to a stop, do not have one foot on the brake and one on the go pedal, IT DON'T LIKE IT!
Take your foot completely off the go pedal and apply it to the brake and you won't have anymore problems, learned this the hard way!

08-18-2002, 13:52
Well got the truck back friday and headed out of town and the truck performed great no more lopey idle. The tech said it took him 6hrs to do the job.

08-18-2002, 14:59
Where is this pump located and what does it look like???

08-19-2002, 09:31

The HP pump is on the top of the engine under that cosmetic plastic nameplate cover, plumbing etc... As stated before, it's not an injection pump (delivering timed fuel to each cyl.) but a high pressure pump delivering fuel around the rail to each injector. There's a pressure regulator bolted to the back of the HP pump that's been the source of a lot of the bad behavior at idle (hot or cold).

08-19-2002, 09:54
I had my replaced at about 6K miles. It was BOOK rated as a 10Hr deal but they got it done in 8.5 hrs. Mine had leak. I also had lopey idle somewhat and with the new pump it was gone.

Carry On.... :D

08-19-2002, 19:10
My 2001 Duramax is at 44,000 mi. and exhibits the surge/flare when hot or cold. I reported one of the initial lopey idle reports way back. Have had updates but still always returns. Occurring pretty frequently lately. I would think this ought to be covered under the emission warranty and/or the fact I reported it more than once during initial 36K warranty. Anybody got advice? It's not unbearable yet but annoying.

08-19-2002, 19:36
It waas a known possible problem with our 2001 truck (more for leaks) but the one who crys loudest will often get wat they want..... use al little kindness and make a few calls to area reps if the service person doesnt go to bat for you

08-19-2002, 19:41
Johnny,I think that the pump is covered under the 100K warranty,so I dont think you would have any problem getting it taken care of.

08-19-2002, 22:29
graypower 3500
Thanks for the info