View Full Version : 6.0 PSD, just how much trouble?

09-07-2003, 01:32
I was on different board and stubled across these recent threads, thougt I would share.

"My thoughts" posted by OldFordtech:

It seems that we sell them because they run good enough on the test drive and then all the problems happen after you buy one. I get plenty that die/break right off the truck. I recal all the time with the current "fix" and it may help a little. I call Ford for assistance on all the ones that won't act up in the shop and they tell me I probably have more tech. time on the product than they do. I look at a 2004 model and I see 2003 engine. I go to a Ford school and we all make jokes about them. Every one says the same thing there, they get sold, they break. Its really hard on us Techs trying to fix this poor product (so far). You fix one thing and its back again with another. I have had 7 of these in the last 3 days. We dread when everyone starts putting chips on them. I will say that it has great potential and Ford will get the bugs out. I remember when the 7.3 came out in 94 and it had bugs. I hear good things about the 2004 model motor. I feel sorry for the people who bought the one made in 2002 and very early 2003. The bottom line is we all are going to have to be patient. I know its hard when you pay that much money. Think of us poor techs that are trying to make you happy. The first year of a new product can be tough !!!
That, was followed by this thread:
HI Oldfordtech I know its not the techs. The head tech at my dealer is a good friend we have known each other for about 20 years snowmobile together. He wanted a 6.0X but after what he sees he ended up with a V10! Not good news when he's a diesel tech. Honestly would you purchase a 6.0 or let someone you know (mom, dad,brother,sister) buy one at this point. Ford is screwing you guys almost as much as us. The dealership will get a bad rep. due to not being able to fix it customers will go elsewhere. Also the people who get ****ed and get another brand are lost as custumer thru no fault of yours. You would think the dealer would be helping everone get satified or are they that short sighted that they are looking for the quick buck. If dealer refused to stock or sell the 6.0 until there was a viable fix I think it would happen sooner and dealers would be held in higher reguard. Ford has a responsability to give the dealer a marketable product that doesn't just mean able to sell but also able to keep people happy. I'm surprized so many dealer are letting ford ruin there customer base and not doing anything about it. I'll stop venting know.
Thanks for doing the best you can I do feel for you Keep up the good work!

Wow! this must be nearing the bottom for F**d.

09-07-2003, 04:59
Interesting ! ;) We just returned from spending 4 days camped between two fellows with new 6.0's. I enjoyed listening to them as they compared notes on their trucks. Both had idle related problems and some additional non-engine/transmission related issues. Both seemed pleased with their trucks but were concerned from comments they had heard from other owners that they had talked with since purchasing their trucks .. Jim

09-07-2003, 09:31
I have two friends with the ford 6.0 and both seem to be content. Both have had idle issues one is a premarch build date and the othe is june. The premarch has rough idle and an ocassional stall......the friend is a real busy contractor and has not taken it in for the updates. I told him he would when the crankcase filled with diesel. He laughed and agreed. The other has some issues idle and the heat from the turbo melted the hood insulation. He took it to the dealer and they updated but Im not sure what they did about the hood insulation.
He now has a edge chip courtesy of me and kennedy and the truck from what I hear is fast. I have not had time to get together and line them up but its gonna happen. I have ridden in the premarch truck and its quick stock.......this should be interesting :D dave

[ 09-07-2003, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: sdaver ]

09-07-2003, 09:57
Here's some further info on the rough idle problem:
Ford 6.0 catastrophic engine failures caused by injector design (http://www.blueovalnews.com/2003/powertrain/6.0powerstroke_injectors.htm)

More Power
09-07-2003, 18:31
This thread is being transferred to the "General Diesel" Forum.

Personally, I want the new 6.0L to do well. We'd all be better off if it did. It's too bad Ford dumped the V-6 diesel. The rest of the field were waiting for them to break the ice in the SUV and mid-size diesel market. The delay in production of the Mini-Max and Dodge's V-6 is a direct result.