View Full Version : TOUGH TRUCKS

10-15-2004, 20:02
No news in this forum lately so I thought we should have some. Had a great surprise today at work. My I-90 snow plow partner showed up at work today, he is on 2 week leave from Irag. He is stationed in Bhagdad for 18 months. We had to talk about the HUMVEES for a bit. He said they recieve about 100 per day. They have alot of body armor put all around them, and weigh a huge amount. They have to drive them hard and fast as to not make much of a target. Slid into a concrete wall the other day and flatten a tire. Their jack was smashed into the ground because of the weight of the unit, so they just drove it back to their base unharmed. He says the diesel engines are working just great and run like like crazy even with the weight of the rig. It was really neat to here that the ole 6.5L is doing it,s job over in Irag. They like them alot.

10-15-2004, 20:10
There is nothing tougher than an H1. I have in-depth experience with these vehicles and have put them through everything imaginable. There is just nothing that can compare.

10-15-2004, 20:49
Yes I know that T.J. I often seen that H1 plum full of girls in our drive way.

10-22-2004, 06:52
I've done things in Army H1's that if anyone ever found out about I would be kicked out of the Army in a second.

They are GREAT!!!


10-29-2004, 10:05
So YOU GUYS are some of the reasons we're changing out an average of an engine per day in Humvees up here in Mosul..... smile.gif