View Full Version : Pull-Off IV Evolution of Power

More Power
09-04-2003, 13:30
Pull-Off IV
Evolution of Power


Pulling a heavy trailer up a steep grade is the truest test of diesel pickup performance. The heavy-duty diesel pickup remains the tool of choice for serious towing duty, and following the trend in diesel pickup performance is the primary focus for The Diesel Page's annual Pull-Off. This year's event marks the fourth time we've evaluated GM's frontline contender in the diesel pickup power wars, in both stock trim and when modified for more power.

Are the 2003 models "down on power"? Does the 8.1L Vortec outrun the Duramax in a loaded acceleration test on a 6% grade? Find out here.

[ 09-24-2003, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: More Power ]

Colorado Kid
09-04-2003, 14:03

That 8.1 came mighty close, better not race one at sea level, loaded or not!

I suppose next year there will be a running Ford to knock me off my pedastal, but perhaps the rumored upgraded D-max will be there to keep it in the family.

09-04-2003, 14:21
Some really interesting reading ..... Good article....JK still king of the hill,congrats ..

Mac :D :D :D

09-04-2003, 14:39
great article :D

09-04-2003, 14:51
I woulda liked to give that a try. I think that woulda been fun.

Hats off to JK for a great run. I wonder what his EGT's were like? :D

09-04-2003, 15:07
saaweeet--Thats quite a load up quite a grade. Should be interesting to see what happens next year when the modded tranny's are more popular and the big boxes can put the power down.

09-04-2003, 15:08
Great job on the article and the results!

09-04-2003, 17:07
Nicely done! Congrats to JK - for the second year running :eek:

09-04-2003, 19:47
Originally posted by Amianthus:
I woulda liked to give that a try. I think that woulda been fun.

Hats off to JK for a great run. I wonder what his EGT's were like? :D I would have loved to see you take a trailer up that hill. Maybe next yr. JK needs some competition to keep him sharp!

I also wonder what his EGTs were... did the probe melt off? ;)

Regards, Steve

09-04-2003, 20:03
The lack of tongue weight (tell that to the 1500 6.5 that was CRUSHED to the bump stops ;) ) with a bumper pull trailer made a good launch VERY tough! In 4wd, I was spinning and jerking all over the place.

The Allison had some problems in that I was activating the ATS controller to lock the TCC, but the combination of questionable 2nd gear clutches, wheel spin and feathering the pedal had the TCC locked up just a bit longer than the TCM wanted it to. The solution was to remove the T/H signal wire so the controller wasn't active. In retrospect, a better solution would have been to start in Normal mode and switch the TH on after we were rolling. As it was, this was the third CONSECUTIVE attempt. I knew the 5th gear clutches were gone as the Juice just laid down and died in 5th, so I had my lockout applied. I tried to disarm it, but the Allison didn't want to go into 5th. While I eventually made a god run, it was still disappointing as I knew I could do SO much better!

On Sunday we pulled out early and drove down to Denver so ATS could pull the Allison and put in some fresh clutches in C1,2, and 3. I now can give it all I have in 5th. Second gear is still a bit questionable, and I have some intermittent clumsy shifting, but all in all it holds the power well. Clint is working on fine tuning the controller to smooth things out. The reality is, that it would have been a much better operation if I had started with a fresher transmission rather than trying to Band-aid something I had already "tested"...

09-05-2003, 04:34
great run again john:

i was wondering what box you had on and what setting for your pull and how hot you got, i pull about the same weight and pull with the 110vanaken on the high setting, i do not have gauges, but have never had any problems, on a grade of that on a hot day i might have a high engine water temp. alarm, just wondering about yours, great showing smile.gif smile.gif

09-05-2003, 07:28
I ran the Juice on the hill. As for EGT, well I'll just say HOT...

Oil analysis shows that the reciprocating mass is not in any danger, in fact with the excellent results of my bypass system, a 7k particle count (yes particle count) is better that fuel after the OE filter, even with the by-products of combustion being present! :eek: Next test will be with a Filter Mag tugging out the ferrous particles...

09-05-2003, 10:00
Any word on the price of the filter mags yet and if they will clamp on the alli spin on also?

09-05-2003, 10:30

I woulda liked to give that a try. I think that woulda been fun.
I wish you were. It was a good article, but I'll admit that the other two major manufactures weren't represented. I would have enjoyed a stock head to head, even if GM had it's arse whipped just to see what the current state of affairs is.
BTW, I know you aren't stock :D
The ally filter should already have a magnet, unless it was lost.

Silver Bullet
09-05-2003, 10:30
Congrats JK! Good run Bassin!

I will be testing mine out next Thursday morning thru Monarch Pass in Colorado... 11,312 ft. (http://www.americansouthwest.net/colorado/monarch_pass/monarch_l.html)...pulling a 20 ft. g/n with 2 horses and 2 mules...truck fully load loaded w/4 guys and equipment. I am guessing the trailer will be around 9000 lbs (loaded) and the truck will be in the neighborhood of 8500 lbs. (loaded).

[ 09-07-2003, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Silver Bullet ]

09-05-2003, 10:51
Originally posted by a64pilot:

The ally filter should already have a magnet, unless it was lost. Oh yeah redface.gif

The one I probably woulda pitched :rolleyes: if it wasnt for all you fine guys warning me before I did my first change ;)

The filter mag going to be like the little doughnut on the alli's filter or like the other strap on kinds i have seen before?

09-05-2003, 11:59
Great Job Jim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-08-2003, 12:45
Nice work Jim,

Thanks to all who volunteered a rig to show us the results. Congrats to JK (How HOT John???).
This is the kinda stuff the "free" forums do not offer!!!

Enjoyable reading.


09-08-2003, 17:33
I liked the shot of the chalk board. Little notes next to each entry to tell if it were stock, a chip, or whatever. Only one word next to John's, "Everything". :D

Good run John, and thanks to all the others also for taking the time to pull. Very interesting.


09-08-2003, 19:47
Great write up Jim, brings it all back. The pull was good fun for everyone. I was a bit afraid of the EGT's, but took some comfort in knowing mine was a fair bit cooler than a certain Pewter long box that had run before me. My guage was stuck on 1450+ most of the way, I just quit looking at it! I was suprised to learn after the run (passing cars,changing lanes,speeding,etc.)according to Chris, any traffic violations would not be covered by the D.P. ;)

[ 09-08-2003, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: motovet ]

09-12-2003, 10:52
Good article, well written. The pull, it was a lot of fun.

I have a ways to go to compete with JK, BassinRVer and Motovet. At least I was a bit better, than the 8.1L.