View Full Version : Great Truck

10-27-2004, 17:16
I really enjoy reading these forms and listen to the gtreat folks that own and drive my choice of trucks. I am one of the lucky ones that has a great dealer(Sangster Motors Wenatchee Wa.). I have no complaint or gripes except I cant afford the fuel LOL. the few that are disatified I really feel sorry for.but remmber It Is still the best one out there. I talked to a service writer at a chv dealer in Soldotna AK. this summer and he says that his experince says they all have about the same troubles. Take care of it dont abuse it and it will most likely serve you well for years. I just put 8200 miles in the north country and drove the worst road in Canada.
Th Dempster highway. 463 miles one way and only had 4 flats. I would never have been able to make that ride in a truck that road rough. So this is one happy customer for GMC Duramax. Strange GH?

10-27-2004, 17:20
I also pulled a 22' 5th wheel trailer and it is still intack. Had to replace the tires and have the axles straightend when I got home

More Power
11-01-2004, 10:49
Hi Earnie,

Glad your truck is doing well. We learned that BB forums tend to collect a disproportionate share of the problem trucks and their owners, which can skew perceptions. The majority of owners who don't experience a problem have less motivation to go online and/or post in a BB. We ran a survey last year where it was determined that most members tend to fall into one of two categories - 1- Enthusiast or 2- Looking for help/info.

I know many local Duramax owners here in Montana, and I've talked to the local dealerships and their diesel techs. By and large, Duramax owners are a satisfied group.


Dewey Faircloth
11-02-2004, 08:39
I am very happy with the Duramax.Just returned from a great trip and enjoyed a great truck.
Have been reading about them a long time and it is does every thing I've read and heard it will do.
Hope every one that has or gets one will enjoy it.

11-02-2004, 11:29
The problem with positive post about DMax is that to be honest they can tend to all be the same hence(yaaawn)tend to be rather boring.

I think that it is a good question to ask: "What is the primary purpose as to why you access this website?"

For me personnaly I enjoy learning from the input of others and being able to find places to purchase parts at less expensive rates ie. fuel filters, oil filters, fuel testing services..... I have taken advantage of all of these things and appreciate everyone who has input from EGT's to fuel fitration concerns.
In the meantime I plan on driving this INCREDIBLE truck that is not so boring to drive.

Tractor hauler