View Full Version : Being spanked by the price of diesel?

Phase 3
10-27-2004, 11:45
Here is a link that follows the daily markets for diesel, gasoline and other crude oil products...


I wouldn't mind seeing the prices of 2 years ago. I'm not that greedy ;)

10-27-2004, 13:56
Diesel is more than Premium gas here in the Northwest.

10-27-2004, 16:05
It varies above and below the price of Premium here in the SF Bay Area.

I paid $2.49/gallon at lunch today and that was at the cheapest place around (Rotten Robbie's). Premium at the same station was $2.59.


- Mark

10-27-2004, 17:39
Check this artucle out on diesel fuel prices:

11-21-2004, 17:35
Motovet.... I live here in the Pacific Nothwest also and the price of diesel here is obscene lately!! What's the deal? This fuel is about 1 step removed from the sludge they pump out of the ground in the Middle East. It is not nearly as refined as gosoline but about 0.20 cents higher than 87 octane. For a long time it was cheaper than the cheapest gas. The chapest I have found around here is 2.27 a gallon and it really is ****ing me off. I feel like I am getting hosed!!! :mad: