View Full Version : Hard restarts....

10-25-2004, 18:02
Ive noticed that sometimes after ive shut my pickup off, then go to start after sitting for 10-15 mins or so that it seems like it doesnt want to start??? It seems like it has to crank for 3-4-5 secs, and sometimes ill have to stop and crank it a 2nd time....
I seem to notice it a bit more once its warmed up as generally the glow plug light wont come on or just comes on for a quick sec...
I have no smokin issues or oil pressure problems so idont think its anythin injector related...just kinda perplexed...Thanks

10-26-2004, 05:37
Is there a "power box" on the truck?

Mark Heiken
10-26-2004, 06:15
Mine does the same thing, with or without the Juice installed. I found that if you turn the key on and wait 3-5 seconds to start cranking it fires much quicker. Don't have a clue why this helps but if I forget and just turn the key it takes alot more cranking.

10-26-2004, 08:46
no edge or attitude or anything like that, too much $$ for me....

10-26-2004, 12:56
mine did this at 35k was a stuck injector return.......would not build cranking pressure

10-26-2004, 15:24
Sdaver- would yours do it continously like every start up, or just occasionaly.. Remeber how they diagnosed it?
Whats everyone else genereal cranking time, i know temp plays a role, but curious none the less.