View Full Version : No start, No fuel ?

10-15-2004, 04:31
Help... please !

I have a no start condition. I thought at first maybe I had run out of fuel.. went out to start the truck this morning.. no go. Went to town got 5 gals of fuel. Pumped the primer.. NO FUEL ! I mean I pumped that thing for an hour and no fuel from the bleed screw at all !

I'm waiting for the parts store to open to try a new filter.. but that doesnt seem right either..to me..

I did notice yesterday.. the fuel guage freaked out.. it jumped from 1/8 tank to 1/2 tank then suddenly to empty and the low fuel light came on... ???

Any ideas where to look next ???

INFO on truck:

2002 Dmax Alli, no mods, OEM filters. 80k miles

Thanks for any advice...

10-15-2004, 05:06
I also have a 02 Dmax; one day driving minding my own self and ran out of fuel with a 1/4 tank on the gauge. Here are some things to check and I don't mean to write things that are odvious.

Is the truck on level ground? If not it might take a little more that 5 gal to get fuel to the line.

Are you priming correctly? When mine went dry it was very difficult to prime. Not hard, just diffrent than when I changed the filter.

Is the tank line plugged? Not sure how to check this one without droppint the tank. Not even sure how it would happen.

Is it trying to start? What exactly is it doing? Does it just crank? Does it turn over then die?

Is your lift pump dead? Once again I don't know how to check this one either.

E-mail me if you have other questions, TSimpler@direcpc.com

Hope this helps.


[ 10-15-2004, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: TSimpler ]

10-15-2004, 06:20
Thanks T !

You had all the exact same thoughts I did... !! Good show !

Got it fixed !

First I made sure I put 5 gal of fuel in .. I knew I was on empty so that was my first thought .. being out of fuel... Truck was on level ground fwiw...

I pulled the filter and pumped the primer pump a couple times and sure enough there was fuel pumping to the filter housing... So it had to be the filter.. since thats all thats between the incoming and flow to fuel rail ..

BINGO ! Replaced the filter, it immediately primed as normal.. closed the bleed screw, pumped til I got resistance.. Turned the key VIOLA ! Started right up...

Whats odd is ... that filter didnt have but maybe 1k miles on it (need to go look at the odometer again) must have got some awful bad fuel eh ?? Also I normally keep an extra filter in the truck but used it and had planned on getting one ... LOL ! Figures...

Thanks a bunch for the help....!! One thing for sure. .its nice to have some feedback.. even if its a struggle to troubleshoot !

10-15-2004, 09:09
Check the last place you fueled up at and avoid them like the devil.


10-15-2004, 09:13
Ya.. I was reading that on here.. unfortunately I travel around the state alot.. so its hard to know what's what... LOL ! Thats why I try to keep an extra filter in the truck... smile.gif

I do think I know where the bad fuel came from though... ;)

Thanks again !