View Full Version : water in tank?

02-23-2003, 23:16
Im not having any problems but I have a question. Everybody seems to keep their tanks at a quarter or above, I just happen to be one of those guys who keeps track of my milege and run my tank very low. (usualy about a gal ot two left) well now to my question. what negative affects can i have form this? Do I have to worry about getting water in my system? How much water could I possibly have in my tank?

Hope im not hurting any thing by doing this.

02-24-2003, 05:35
You can still keep track of mileage without running the tank dry. Personally I try not to let my diesel get too low and STAY that way for too long. If it's going to be below a 1/4 tank and not get used up in the next day or 2 I fuel it up. Why take the chance of letting a problem start.

[ 02-24-2003: Message edited by: FirstDiesel ]</p>

Jim Cobler
02-24-2003, 10:55
I am sure you know this but when you are returning warm fuel from the engine to a tank that has a lot of air in it, the moisture will condense rapidly. Frankly, it does not cost any more to maintain a little fuel in your tank than it does to run it empty.

02-24-2003, 16:47
you both have very good points. Thnak you. Im gonna change my habbits and start looking for fuel at a quarter. The plus side is I can see the blond at the gas station lol


02-24-2003, 18:30
I also hope your using a good fuel additive to handle the water in the tank.